Name: ULYSSES HAMMERJUSTICE Title: The Fire Titan. Appearance: Ulysses is an enormous tank of a man, standing at just over seven feet tall. His body is almost all machine, and only his head seems to look fully human, bar the machinery near his left eye. His artificial muscles look similar to carbon fiber, and at the center of his chest there is this glowing orange light. This is the fusion reactor that keeps him alive. There are holes in various parts all around his body, these are the ports his armor uses to access his nervous system. His reinforced spine is visible, and glowing orange lights can be seen running up it, as long as on various parts of his body. As for his facial features, he has strong, square features, steel grey eyes, and short blonde hair. Externally at least, his head appears almost entirely human, bar a slight bit of exposed metal near his left eye. Fully armored, Ulysses is a massive armored behemoth. Standing at eight and a half feet tall, he is truly a force to be reckoned with. Heavy plating covers every inch of his body, all of it sporting a fairly advanced look, even if it lacks in grace. But what it lacks in subtlety it makes up in sheer brute force. It consist of a very bulky design, using mostly blocky angles with a bit of a roundness to it. There are many orange lights all over the thing, serving to show where all the power is going (Many of them are cosmetic modifications made by Ulysses himself). The torso (along with the helmet) is black, with Hot-rod flame patterns over it, though the rest (arms, legs, backpack) are steel grey and unadorned, save for serial numbers and the like. The armor includes a large armored backpack like structure. This is what houses his ammunition fabricators, as well as various components used for the Armory system. As such, it is the most heavily armored part. Age: Roughly six months old. Personality: Ulysses is an odd man. He embodies destruction, and revels in the pleasure of destroying everything around him. Yet, he is relatively easy to get along with. He is kind, protective, courageous, even heroic. Always the positive sort, he generally has an upbeat (one could even say jolly) attitude about most things, and rarely gets angry. Even when angered, he doesn't seem too different. He isn't the smartest of men, and he is quite stubborn, which has gotten him a few losses in the past. He is slow to accept change, often refusing to acknowledge the facts and paying because of it. He can be thought of as a bit of a joker, often going to infuriating lengths to deny his opponent victory in vain, for the express purpose of annoying them. He is however, deathly afraid of water or cold, and will do everything he can to avoid it. Origin Myth: [hider=MUDDAFUGGIN BIO THING]Against the proliferation of magic, there was little those aligned with technology could do. Many were frustrated that the village folk wouldn't use their machines because they were 'wierd' or 'unnatural' but would have no qualms about the girl with the cat ears and the pointy hat summoning food for them from nowhere. Technology was something to be feared and hated, ugly messes of dark iron and wiring while magic was some kind of beautiful thing that commanded respect. And so, in a fit of cold fury they set to work building the ultimate mage-killing machine, something that would prove the dominance of tech over magic forever. However, this would require a human subject, as AI had no chance of defeating a properly armed sentient combatant. Unfortanately, on a trip to one of the myriad hospitals they found their subject, who's body was mostly destroyed from an accident with some fireworks. Why is this unfortunate? They were going to put a genuinely good-hearted man with a thing for not following orders into their giant murder-machine. Now, as soon as they plugged him in he would likely forget quite a few things (including his name) so the head scientist asked his son, who answered 'Ulysses HAMMERJUSTICE!' Everyone was silent for a moment, but they figured 'why the hell not?' and programmed it in. As the various reactors spun up and he was powered on for the first time, the head scientist walked up to the Machine-man and explained his mission: to kill all mages. Ulysses simply looked deep in thought for a moment, before simply saying 'Nope.' and walking right out of the base, whistling a merry tune. All the scientists were simply too dumbfounded to speak, and upon further thought they realized that maybe they weren't thinking clearly. Today, their company specializes in making small appliances, mostly coffee makers, with fusion reactor technology. As for Ulysses, he simply decided to wander the land in search of ADVENTURE, helping people out whenever he could, and just generally enjoy himself.[/hider] Powers/Skills/Abilities -------------------------------------------------- [hider= THE FLESH IS WEAK]More Machine than Man: Ulysses is mostly cybernetic at this point, and has all the advantages and disadvantages that brings. Jump Jets: Ulysses' body has various internal thrusters that, while too weak to allow true flight, enable him to jump great distances, as well as dash short distances. Fusion Reactor: At the center of Ulysses' chest is an armored reactor core that provides functionally limitless power to his systems and weapons, however it does not produce energy faster than it uses it, so periods of sustained energy use often require him to rest while he recharges. However, there is no draining him of all his ammo at least. Armor Lock: Ulysses is capable of using advanced energy shielding and hardening that renders him functionally invincible, yet drains an extreme amount of energy and prevents movement. Overclock: Ulysses can spend extra energy to greatly enhance his speed, agility, and the power of his weapons, though sustaining this feature for too long may require a quick reboot. Ammunition Fabricators: Ulysses' body contains various metal blocks that micro-factories contained within himself use to create more ammunition for his weapons that use physical ammunition, at the expense of power. Incinerator Field: Ulysses is capable of expending power to cloak himself in a shield of flame, allowing him to be more of a threat in close quarters combat. Unfortunately, He may not activate the Incineration Field when he is using one of his many ranged weapons. Mechanized Might: Ulysses is extremely strong thanks to his Cybernetic augmentations. Mechanized Endurance: Ulysses is extremely resistant to physical damage thanks to his bulky armor. However, his large form makes him slower and less agile as well. In addition, he is weak to Electric effects. Swimming is also a no-go. Note: For all intents and purposes, Ulysses' incendiary effects count as magic, and may be resisted similarly. [/hider] Equipment ----------------------------------------------------------- [hider= The same could be said of all incendiary weapons.]AEGIS armor system: In addition to his cybernetics, he wears a suit of armor in battle. The suit is linked to his nervous system, allowing him to move in it as if it were part of his own body. This is where most of his equipment and subsystems are stored. Armory M.W.S (Metamorphic Weapons System): Ulysses' armor has a set of integrated parts that can deploy under (Or over) his arms to form a multitude of separate weapons, all from the same generic parts in different configurations. Possible configurations include: -Trogdor Mk. II Incediary Projection Device: The good old Flamethrower, it fires a stream of burninating chemicals that cling to whatever it touches. -Vulcan Fury Mk. IV Minigun: Simply a chaingun that fires a blistering hail of incendiary energy rounds. -Ferocity Mk. III Fusion Gun: This nightmare of a weapon works by super-agitating air particles using nuclear fusion (which super-heats them to truly ridiculous levels), then launches them at a foe in a veritable cone of death, melting almost anything within it's extremely short (About 10 feet lethal, 15 feet to wound) range. Drawbacks include the difficulty in hitting faster moving targets, the aforementioned short range, and the very slow rate of fire (about 15 seconds between shots, he cannot switch weapons until it has cooled). -Solar Flare Mk. VII Grenade Machinegun: This weapon launches 25mm incendiary grenades at rapid speeds, great for bombarding a large area with flaming death, but not so good for fast foes. -Wildfire Mk. LV (55) Incendiary Orb Launcher: This weapon fires about two large fireballs in an arc every second. The projectiles are slow moving however. -Hyperion Mk. IX Beam Rifle: This weapon uses radiation and a prismatic lens to fire beams of concentrated light i.e, frickin' laser beams. -"Scorched Earth" Mk. CCCLXXVIII (378) BFG: Requires both hands. This weapon fires an enormously powerful, though slow moving, Mini nuclear missile. The gun is entirely dumb-fire, may only be fired once, drains all of Ulysses power, and may cause impotency. But damned if it isn't cool. In most matches, its use is restricted. -Gungnir Mk. XCI (91) Anti-Materiel Rifle: Requires both hands. This monstrosity is one of Ulysses' only non-incendiary weapons, and it is a beast. This sniper rifle fires monstrous 30mm "Tankbuster" rounds, capable of basically annihilating any variety of heavy armor. However, it's size makes it impractical on lightly armored targets, as you don't really need a round that large for some poor footslogging chump. Unfortunately, the recoil dampeners use a lot of energy, and the weapon is difficult to aim at close range. Also, the weapon must be reloaded after every shot. -Bastion Mk. XII Personal Hardlight Shield: A large energy shield (Not technically a weapon) that must be used in place of a weapon. The shield drains a negligible amount of power, but drains a lot more if something hits it. In addition, the shield must be used like a standard physical shield, so more agile opponents tend to be hindered by it less. Shoulder Mounted Armory System: Ulysses also has several weapons that are shoulder mounted, and work the same way as the ordinary Armory weapons. -Wyvernfire Mk. I Multiple Missile Launcher: This weapon is a rocket pod capable of launching waves of numerous small incendiary guided rockets. Their small size makes them ineffective on armored targets. -Dragonfire: Mk. II Missile launcher: Like the Wyvernfire, the Dragonfire fires guided incendiary missiles. However, this weapon only fires one heavy missile at a time, though it is much more powerful. -Vulcan Fury Mk. II Minigun: a smaller version of the standard Vulcan. -Solar Flare Mk. III Grenade Machinegun: a smaller version of the standard Solar Flare. -Wildfire Mk. X Incendiary Orb Launcher: a smaller version of the standard Wildfire. [/hider] Theme-song: The Long Distance of Murder, or Painkiller ------------------------------------------------------------- [hider= MUZAK] [youtube]4I9h7SkZICg[/youtube] [youtube]Y8ZL7Qmnufs[/youtube] [/hider]