"Mm..." The woman seemed a bit distracted as she thought it over. "The Pokemon have been restless lately. Especially the Beedrill," she explained. "I'm glad you found those two when you did, though. I try to protect them, but I can't be everywhere at once, even with Charmander and Pika being around." The two Pokemon had stayed out of their balls, Pika settling itself down atop the woman's head and Charmander trailing behind. Though, it kept looking at Leon oddly, unnerving the young boy. While he was good with Pokemon, the attention was still odd, considering he hadn't done anything for the fire type. "Well, enough of that. What's done is done," the woman said happily. "You two are from Viridian City, right? I assume you're heading for Pewter. Your parents alright with you traveling out like this?" She smiled almost in a motherly fashion as she regarded Rasca and then Leon. Leon offered a shrug and a small smile. "I don't really have parents. So...don't really have a problem traveling," he explained. The boy didn't talk much about his family, not even to Rasca. As far as she knew, both had left him before he could talk. By the time they started hanging out, he was an orphan. "Sorry to hear..." the woman said with a frown. "What about you?" She glanced towards Rasca.