Hi all. I'm Caiya (actually that's not my real name, just my website/forum/accounts name that I use a lot.) I'm new to this website, I found it on google while I was bored. Well, I love roleplaying, and sleeping, and eating. I also have Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID.) meaning I have multiple personalities, so if you see me acting... abnormal, it may be one of my other personalities. No, I am not a deranged psycho. (but I love fire. I'm a fire loving girl?!?!) Anyway, the... self you are talking to now is still me, (Caiya) so let me tell you about... me. (Wow this is getting confusing!) I can either be very random or very... sensitive and boring xD I love to write stories (and I'm going to publish one and...) I'm getting boring, aren't I? *looks around* yeah ok BYE. *teleports away in a burst of fire o3o*