Name: Eli Shakespeare Age: 27 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Strong willed and impulsive, he acts on a gut instinct but his actions work well if a plan is in motion. He looks after those who are not strong enough to fend for themselves, but cares for those close to him. He's tenacious in combat, and see's the end of a fight, there is no backing down once it's started. Selected: His brute power and strong will in battle, extreme proficient in strategy Combat specialty: CQC Default loadout: Hemlock BF-R, B3 Wingman, Weaponry: Sidewinder, Longbow-DMR Ultilities: Data Knife, variety of explosives, wrist tablet Titan: [img=] Titan weaponry: 40mm Cannon, multiple forms of RPE (Rocket Propelled Explosives) B.F. Sword