"Shh.. Shh... Hey... It's okay.." Alexa tried to soothe the other girl with trembling voice, which made the soothing words lost some of its effect. Alexa shrugged off her jacket, and gritted her teeth in an effort not to scream out of pain when she pulled her bloodied arm out of the sleeve. Undoing the rope belt clumsily with one hand, she tied the rope on the upper part of her arm tightly as some sort of tourniquet. Looking at Veronika's traumatized face, she felt a pang of regret in her heart. Sure, the girl was annoying with all her antics and complaints, but there was an innocence there that now destroyed by the reality of their situation. The look of fear and tears definitely didn't belong to Veronika's face, and made Alexa wanted to comfort and assured the other girl with hope that the girl could retain some of her previous cheerfulness. "Listen... Veronika.. we.. we're not going to die... Okay?" She tried again, wrapping her jacket around her arm to staunch the bleeding. "We just... need to move on... We'll be okay." She hissed in pain as she tightened the jacket, her white shirt starting to be stained with blood as well. "But I need you .. to be strong... Alright?" To be honest, she felt like she's gonna faint at any moment now, possibly from the blood loss or the adrenaline crash, or maybe a combination of the two. Wrenching the dagger out of the wolf's body, Alexa had a half mind to swept the knife to her jacket, cleaning some of the blood on it, before putting it back in its sheath. "Here." Alexa offered the dagger to Veronika with a shaky hand. "Keep this with you. Put it in your purse if you want... just make sure you can.. take it out fast if necessary..." Looking around, Alexa saw what looked like man made road that was paved with blocks of stones just down the hill they were on, a road that they couldn't see previously from the monument's position. "Look... I think... that's a road. Maybe it's heading... to the houses...." Alexa said and grunted as she pushed herself up to stand, swaying dangerously when a wave of vertigo from the blood loss starting to affect her.