As the party got louder and louder more people were clogging the streets and the various levels of the city in loud music and the knights were forced to go in and sort out the rabble while still trying to keep the party going. It was one thing keeping the party itself going with minimum violence, minus the melee that had broken out in the lower quarter by the sell swords down there and the local defenders which the knights had agreed to overlook, but it was another thing entirely to make sure people didn't get trampled to death in a massive rush to get to the nearest stand. A nearby rider told the knights that the group of honor was fast approaching and would be here very soon if nothing went horribly wrong. The crowds that were aware grew more rowdy if that was even possible. Mutsu on the other hand was too absorbed in bobbing and weaving like some sort of crazed mad man because he couldn't stay on the offensive against his opponents as it seemed multiple men had taken a interest in the boy. While he could hold his own in most fights he was SORELY unexperienced in actual combat only going out on a handful of his dad's and uncle's trips to fight monsters and only then he only observed. These men had more experienced in their pinky toe than he did in his whole body. But hey nothing ventured nothing gained! Mutsu activated his artes and full on punched someone in the face with it disorienting the man whom was going to fast to block the attack. Unfortunately Mutsu proceeded to get his legs kicked out for under him and he landed with a hard thud on the ground. He cringed but dodged the next blow and blocked the rest of the blows in a desperate attempt of a defensive stance. Mutsu however was forced to leave by a woman fighter who said the kid was getting picked on too much and she didn't want the upper snobs getting pissed that he was getting knocked up by some 'street thugs'. Mutsu growled but didn't complain after all what could he do besides get his butt kicked more and get yelled at. He probably earned a few new bruises as well. As Mutsu passed by a group of guys leaning in the front of the inn with some rather strange masks strapped to the back of their heads. Whatever the hell they want to do he guessed it was a party after all. Mutsu couldn't help but wonder what Cain was up to... --- Cain was walking down the streets towards Meijin's blasted little party house which made him feel like puking. The place was sooooo boring it wasn't even funny. He enjoyed money making but the amount of money Meijin made was downright criminal in a legal way. Cain's red hair was covered in booze, sweat, and some other substance he had poured on him which made him smell rather foul. But that was a moot point he's learned to live with people pissing on his occupation and he was determined to become the emperor's right hand man some day. Once he got the right spot he'd clean up this city's etiquette assuming the Emperor would even notice a lowly stooge like him. Cain sighed and twirled a small chain of beads around his finger as he walked towards Meijin's place complacently.