[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/oFanuFh.png][/center] ---- [center]Chapter 1: The Starter [IGNITE THE SOUL][/center] [hider=Chapter 1 Synopsis]Kazuto "Kaz" Tokuro has successfully passed the exam qualifying him to be a full-fledged agent for the Order in Black: a secret organization tasked with protecting humanity from supernatural beings. On his first day as an agent, Kaz is partnered with a young woman named Saya Kanzaki and the two are given their first assignment as partners. Meanwhile, several other agents of the Kaidan Branch are sent off to deal with an influx of supernatural beings plaguing a poorer district of the city.[/hider] ---- A full moon sits atop the cloudless night sky; it's brilliant white light envelops the Earth below, illuminating the vast land that stretches to the horizon far off in the distance. Beyond that, who knows where the light touches. The human eyes can only see so far. Even then, there are numerous, unimaginable things in this material world - the living world - that the human eyes cannot see no matter the distance between them and the vision they seek. Somewhere in the Fukuwara district of Kaidan city, a porcelain flower vase placed near the entrance of an apartment complex suddenly falls over, breaking into several larger pieces and spilling the water contained within itself onto the dry, concrete street below. To the eyes of an average person, they may have perceived that event as nothing more but the result of a sudden, powerful gust of wind blowing through this part of the city. But to the eyes of an agent of the Order in Black, this was caused by something much more noteworthy - something sinister; evil incarnate. Digging its finely-pointed, claw-like fingers into the side of the apartment complex was a [url=http://i.imgur.com/EJCSz9m.jpg]humanoid creature[/url] - it's skin smooth and black. It's a creature existing only in the nightmares of people but this sight was very much real. A supernatural being, it's name is Diabola: an advanced corruption of a human soul and spirit. Before arriving here, the supernatural being had preyed on a young couple returning home from a night out. It left nothing but a gruesome scene of mangled flesh and crimson blood. If left unattended to, this supernatural being would've killed numerous more people than it has already have. Fortunately, its days of slaughter are nearing an end. "Stop, in the name of the Order!" the voice of young man cried out. Rotating its head nearly 180°, Diabola sees the incoming threat and decides to retreat towards the roof. Halting near the apartment complex, a young man with red hair dressed in a black suit draws a small-framed, black revolver from his holster and takes a couple shots at the creature, successfully winging it in its shoulder. Diabola lets out a painful cry but continues its ascent to the rooftop. Not wasting a second, the young man ascends the series of ladders leading to the rooftop on the side of the building. Finally arriving up top, Diabola is nowhere to be seen. With a firm grip on his gun, the young man carefully scans the area in front and to either side of him. His attempt to locate Diabola is to no avail. Then, a sudden whoosh emanates from behind him. He swiftly turns his entire body around and enters a firing position. Diabola descends toward him with its sharp fingers ready to strike. The young man lets off a volley of fire but misses every single one. Nearing its target, Diabola strikes with both hands; the force of its attack indented that part of the roof and kicked up a cloud of fine dust, reducing the visibility for a brief moment. Once the dust cleared, it was made apparent that the supernatural being had missed its target. Several meters away, the young man stood with his gun still in hand. "(I can't afford to drag this battle out any longer. Looks like I've got no choice but to use [i]it[/i]!)" the young man thought to himself. Without another thought, he sets the barrel of his revolver against his temple and... BANG! [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRcyr2-eVLU]BLACK LETTERS Opening Song: Start![/url][/center] [i]Fifteen Hours Earlier...[/i] It was a lively morning as usual in Kaidan just like any other city. The streets were bustling in the downtown districts as everyday commuters go about their daily lives. At Kaidan High School, the hour hand on the massive clock built into the school's tallest building - the science building - reached the "9" symbol, signaling the beginning of the school day. The chime of the school bell alerted the students that homeroom would soon commence. Arriving in an older-model, green sedan is the young man with red hair. His name is Kazuto Tokuro and he is an agent of the Order in Black's Kaidan Branch. The one in the driver seat is his older brother: [url=http://i.imgur.com/XyHIHDd.png]Haru Tokuro[/url]. Haru is a prominent officer of Kaidan's law enforcement scene. "Hey, I'm gonna be working late again today." Haru informed. "So I have the apartment all to myself, huh?" Kazuto - or as he prefers to be called Kaz - replied, a smirk could be seen on his face. "Hey, I'm not giving you my permission to stay up as late as you want. Also, make sure you get to the chores you've been putting off. And do your homework. Oh, and before I forget-" Before Haru could finish, Kaz abruptly opened the car door and rushed out. "Hey, come back here, Kaz! I'm not done with you yet, ya lazy bum!" Haru scolded from his car. "I heard ya the first millionth times!" Kaz replied in slight annoyance before entering the main building. "Sheesh, can't I just have a quiet car ride for once?" he spoke under his breath. Fortunately for the young agent, he won't need to put up with any mundane tasks tonight because something more important had occupied this night. Tonight will Kaz's first time meeting with his partner and, possibly, other agents of the Kaidan Branch. Although Kaz is an agent, he is only recently so and thus he has yet to meet any of the other agents at the Kaidan Branch's headquarters. In fact, he knows absolutely nothing about his assigned partner other than her name: Saya Kanzaki. He wonders just what kind of person is she like and if they'll be a good match up. In any case, he'll find out everything he wants to know tonight... Later that night, Kaz arrived back at his apartment to put on the black suit he was issued along with his gun and badge, and proceeded to take a cab to his destination located downtown. Arriving some time later, Kaz stepped out of the vehicle and marveled at the tall skyscraper that stood resolute and proud in front of him. To outsiders, this building was the corporate office of the Kaidan Central Bank but to people like Kaz - to agents - this magnificent marvel of modern architecture is the headquarters to the Order in Black's Kaidan Branch. "You must be Kazuto Tokuro." the voice of a woman drew Kaz's attention away from the spire and towards the origin of the voice. A [url=http://i.imgur.com/cXCISiX.png]woman[/url] stood in a black suit with a fur cowl and wearing sunglasses. Uniquely, her suit jacket was draped over her shoulders as if it were a cape. Reaching for her shades, she took them off to reveal a pair of dazzling blue eyes. "That's me. Umm, who are you? Are you an agent?" Kaz asked curiously. A cocky grin graced the woman's face. "I am your Director: Akane Izanami!" she proudly boast. "Y-You're my Director???" Kaz was taken back by her reveal. In the Order in Black's hierarchy, the rank of Director is one of utmost importance. A Director is given control of an entire sector of agents; one sector alone is, at the very least, comprised of one hundred agents. In total, there are four Directors at the Order in Black's Kaidan Branch. Kaz falls under the jurisdiction of Akane's sector. "Come, you're not just here to meet me. After all, I've assigned you a partner, haven't I?" Akane asked rhetorically as she led him inside the building. "Y-Yes, Ma'am!" Kaz replied and comically saluted before catching up with her. Soon, the two of them arrived in front of a lobby where she proceeded to kick the door open with such a great force that it probably scared everyone inside. It definitely surprised Kaz who stood next to her nervously. "Listen up everyone, we've got a new rookie joining our ranks! Make sure you give him a warm welcome!" Akane announced to the agents in the room. There sure were a lot of them too - at least a dozen or so. The lobby itself was sort of a hangout area for the agents when they're awaiting their next assignment or partner to show up. With comfortable sofas, a dining area, an arcade, and even a bar, this lobby was the perfect place to relax. "H-Hello, my name is Kazuto Tokuro but please call me Kaz! Let's all do our best!" Kaz nervously introduced himself as he bowed respectfully. Most of the agents stared at the newbie trying to hold back the laughs. They'd never seen a more nervous rookie.