Winter pulled himself up, from the dirty sewers in which he had just gone through, into the world once more. He wasn't smiling, unusually, and he had try-hard mode activated. He knew exactly what kind of enemy they were up against, and it wasn't an easy one. This was no Seattle. This was gonna be one hell of a battle, he already knew. As he attempted to move forward, he realized that the noise his foot steps would make were amplified by the water. "Oh dearie." he whispered, looking back at Whisper. He reached for his rifle, which was strung at his back, hanging by its tactical sling. He felt at the back of his armor, feeling the explosive he had attempted to jury rig to a bunch of waste power armor plates, to contain the explosion at the very least. Technically, they had to disable the comms tower quietly, but again, [i]technically[/i] he was disabling it quietly. He'd set it off under the comms tower, literally underground, instead of doing it traditionally. Whisper could possibly object, but he didn't know her well enough to make a prediction. If she said anything, he'd be damned if he let her change his mind. [i]He[/i] was the stealth master here, he thought in arrogant tone, only to remember that he was mediocre at almost everything. Under his wet and soaked flag, he licked his lips, and once more thought to himself. He was trying to visualize how he'd be explain his antics on the field to the Commander and Andrew "Explosives, sir." he would say, "Because, with all due respect, sir, overkill is underrated." If only Whisper could see through the wet fabric of his flag-scarf, she'd see a big grin. His own antics amused him greatly, really. How he was selected for Eagle Point was something that would forever elude him, really. He looked down at his Marksman rifle, and pulled the operating rod back, just to check its functionality before he got into the fray, although he didn't really expect to get into a firefight. Satisfied with its condition, he pushed the rod back, and motioned to Whisper to follow. They'd emerged in some sort of... drainage area, the best he could describe it. He could hear the sound of NCR troops somewhere around, and as he looked to the right, over a slight wall, he could see his objective. The tower, soon to be crashing down, quiet like. Although that was kind of redundant, because if it was crashing down, it wasn't quite stealthy. But then again, he'd gotten the trajectory and force of the explosion all worked out by one of the eggheads back at base, and he was sure that it wouldn't cause a hella lot of trouble, and whatever attention it would draw, which was likely quite a bit, he could deal with. In and out, in and out, he recited. The comms tower was a half klick away, and the timer on the explosive would give him enough time to rush back to the extraction point, or at least make considerable progress towards it, giving him a head start to get the fuck outta there, like a crow out of hell. He clicked the personal comms he had to Whisper, and said "Lets hoof it. And from now on, radio silence. Once they realize we're here, they'll scan the radio signals in and out, and we don't want them to ... overhear us, do we?", and begun to slowly make his way to the small wall.