Finally got one written up, just took longer than I thought it would. I hope this works, I tried to keep the gunpla as reasonable as possible considering how powerful it is. Name: Hedy McVey Age: 17 Gender: Female Apperance: Pink red hair in a single braid, red eyes, semi-rimless under-rim glasses, red vest over a white sleeved shirt, red and black checkered skirt Nationality: American History: Hedy was a young five year old from California before her fascination with Gundam came about. One day when he father was finishing a Defiance marathon on the SciFi Channel (Yes it got rebranded again), Hedy got a chance to see the beginning of a new syndicated run of Gundam 00 on the Ani-Monday segment. The flashing mobile suits and destruction were something that caught her interest from the get-go, but the primary spark of her love for the franchise came from her first crush ever. Tieria Erde. After finishing her first marathon ever Hedy dedicated herself to the franchise when she searched for everything Gundam related she could get her hands on. Games, anime, doujinshi, manga, you name it she has something on Gundam along with a number of Yoshiyuki Tomino’s earlier works. She also gained deviantart fame as Trappedbunny4 for her famous art commissions. When Hedy turned 14 she found an interest with the Gunpla community after seeing the climatic 7th tournament on tv. To prepare for this day she saved her money to build her own Gunpla army set. Her initial effort was to create a Seravee Gunpla but found much distress found managing six gn beam sabers at the same time. Going for the next best thing she has a model based on The O and feels confident about her chances to face her opponents in the upcoming tenth championship. Other: - She gets distracted easily. - One of the first things she does when meeting anyone is ask for their birthdate. - Stranger in a Strange Land is her bible. - Having learned of his appearance in the last one, her true goal for the tournament is to find some way to win over the heart of Tiera Erde when she participates. Win or lose enticing him will be her true victory. Gunpla: The TC Scale: 1/144 Developed From: PMX-003 The O (Main color scheme is purple but with hot pink on the shafts and edges), RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam “Zephyranthes” Full Burnern leg plating and extra vernier motors. Armaments: 4 x Beam saber, optional BOWA XBR-M-82-05H beam rifle Gunpla: TC Wheel Scale: 1/144 Developed From: ZM-S21G Brucknerg (Main color scheme is red with black eyes and inner chest) Armaments: 2 x beam saber, stored on main body, hand-carried in use; 2 x beam shield; Einerad; 2 x hardpoint. Gunpla: TC Banner Scale: 1/144 Developed From: RX-139 Hambrabi (Main color scheme is indigo) Armaments: 2 x beam saber ; 2 x beam cannon ; 2 x arm claw ; tail lance