"I'm bored." "Ah, I see." Another day in this boring ceremony of her father. Hayami Koihime, having spent a full night in [i]another[/i] one of her father's luxurious hotels fending off the advances of suitors after her and her money, felt rather.... peeved. Even more so when she discovered her father forgot to stock the place with her favorite drink. It was as if he was purposefully trying to make her angry. But at least he had the decency to give her own private suite. The sofa she sat on had just the right amount of padding, while the huge glass wall/window thing they had gave an impressive view of Sovereign. It's not home however, where she had everything she could ever want. Sighing, she picked up one of the shrimps from the bowl beside her, giving it a gentle shake to rid it off excess sauce. Munching on the shrimp, she decided Sovereign had worse food than she was used to in Arcarus. "Oi." Hayami turned to her maid. "Aren't you going to do anything? I just said I am bored." "Do what? The mistress had not given any orders to me." Hilda had been in her family since Hayami was young, being about the same age as she was. Not surprising since Hayami was the one who picked her up from the streets. "Or did the mistress go senile already?" Hayami smiled. It would make her father furious to hear her maid say that. Not that he can do anything about it. Hilda was hers and hers alone; she planned on keeping her pet for a long time to come. "Fetch me that book. The one by that Stephen fellow. I still haven't found out whether they killed that sewer clown or not." As Hilda started to search through her luggage for the book, Hayami took a glance out of the window, watching all the lights moving around in the daily bustle of the city. After this few days of this stupid opening ceremony, she can go back to her relatively comfortable home, where she can look forward to more school with more of those gossiping hussies. Just a few more years and she can be rid of these things, start her own business, and never have to meet another person again, save for perhaps her maid and staff members. Maybe a that perfect someone as well. She laughed a little to herself at that. "Mistress, why are you laughing to yourself?" Hilda put down the book on the coffee table in front of Hayami. "Have the mistress finally gone mad?" Hayami dismissed her maid with a wave of her hand, and picked up the book. That perfect someone doesn't exist for someone like her. If he does, he'll be like the rest of them, dishonest cretins with eyes only on her wealth or what's underneath her panties. Just like those bastards in her school...