[b][u]~Reyas Arthenia~[/b][/u] [indent]She finished her meal at the eatery. Readying herself for yet another day. She nodded and shook hands with her subordinates, assigning them to their various tasks for the day before she would begin her hunt so to speak for fresh recruits from the commoners and noblemen that still roamed the city. To train and recruit those without patriotism into hands of their king. And to help put an end to the war a thousand years in the making. She made her way to the center of town and made it clear what her intent was. Calling out to those passing by, the ones who looked able bodied, and the ones sound of mind. But to her it didn't matter who listened to her call. Soon people began to gather as she made a bit of a spectacle of herself, her speech growing with passion and her intentions true. She continued, [b]"Don't walk behind me; for I am not your leader, nor am I your Queen. Don't walk in front of me; For I am not your follower. Just walk beside me and be my friend, Be my equal and we will surely prosper. All who hear me now, I ask of you one thing! Help me and the brave few who would take up arms at my side carve a peace that wont have to be forged by an age old treaty that no one can say for sure even still has meaning. Help me create a peace that will last throughout our lives and until the ends of time. That is all I ask! Help us bring something that seems as if only faeries tale into the reality that is the world we live in here today. We can claim a peace, I just need your help to take it into our hands." [/b][/indent]