Moeka was in the lobby room, sitting in a sofa with her [url=]smartphone[/url] in her hand, well, more than sitting, she was plain out lying in the bed in what's gotta be the most uncomfortable position in the world, and it was really hard to tell if she was indeed uncomfortable or if she had just reached the comfortableness nirvana by lying in such a strange position, with both of her legs, one on top of the other, sitting in the sofa head, her trunk in a perfect 90º arc in respect to her legs, her left arm behind her head, working as a cushion of sorts and her right hand holding the aforementioned smartphone, both of her hands were covered by fingerless gloves. She was browsing through her anime videos, searching for something entertaining to watch with the constant swipe of her toe. She stopped for a bit and admired her Hatsune Miku special edition cellphone she was able to buy, she was really proud of it, after all, a full 2 years of money saving went down in that phone. A faint smile crossed her face and she continued browsing her anime. This didn't last long, though. The usually loud director of the Order in Black (Kaidan Branch) slammed the door open and made more than one guy jump. But Moeka? Moeka just stared at her for a bit and then went back to her phone, without noticing the apparent newbie. It was not until he spoke that she actually noticed the guy. He introduced himself as Kazuto or Kaz, for convenience. [I]'So, a new kouhai, huh? I just hope he ain't the kind of galge protagonist. With no real personality at all...'[/I] Moeka thought for herself, piercing the boy with her gaze. She wanted him to turn his head and look at her, so she could test what kind of guy he was. Without a second thought, Moeka moved her trunk to break the perfect 90º angle she was in and to pass into a full 180º. Moeka hangs her body down the sofa, her long white hair about to touch the ground but being stopped by the fact that some of it is stuck between the sofa and her body. Not a perfect angle as before, but still, it was as comfortable as before (Yes, she [I]was[/I] comfortable). In that position, she raises her voice so the guy can hear her. [B]"Hey, Kaz. Welcome to the Order in Black..."[/B] She makes a little pause. That was all she had to say, really, but she remembers she might as well introduce herself. [B]"Oh, by the way. I am Moeka Shirokami. If you ever need anything, just don't ask me."[/B] Not meant as a joke, just a word of advice, since even if he did ask her, she wouldn't do a thing about it. She said all of this with her usual poker face and now, with her introduction over, she takes her smartphone and puts it in front of her face again. [I]I think I'll rewatch this one....[/I]