Rasca perked up a bit when the lady asked about her parents. They were of a normal sort, and there was a healthy amount of respect going on between them. Assuming she kept her grades, and responsibilities on the highest of levels. She shrugged as well, and gave a bland reply, so that Leon wouldn't feel crushed. "Oh.. you know, we're normal. Though i did leave a note for my parents before i left." Her tone became careless, and Rasca rambled a bit. "I bet they miss me. I would, if i were them." Regaining her composure, she directed a few questions at the lady. "So why are you out here anyway? Besides stalking helpless pokemon, and saving little kids?" Rasca angled her shades a bit, reforming her words to make them sound more polite. "I mean, not that we're totally ungrateful brats...right Leon?" She elbowed him suggestively, hoping for him to back her up. While she waited for his answer, there was time to look around for the Bulbasaur. Superior was still clenched on her shoulder, so he swung around with her movements. Rasca kept her moves as slow as possible, so that he wasn't dislodged. Though, looking at the lady, it did seem like she was passively copying how the pokemon was arranged. So she let Superior choose whether he wanted to sit or walk, and thankfully he hopped off her shoulder onto the ground. "Heavy beast, aren't ya." Rasca massaged her shoulder wearily, not used to having both the bag, and a pokemon. This gave her an idea that could easily trip them up, on their path. [i]'It could work...'[/i] "Bulbasaur! Vine whip onto my arm!" She giggled at the thought of the pokemon hanging from her elbow like a miniature swing. After a few minutes of nothing happening, Rasca gave up on the idea, waiting to try it when he, or she was ready. [i]'Oh well, it was going to be painful anyways.[/i] What she didn't see, was that the Bulbasaur had waddled closer to her. If she had looked behind her, instead of smiling bewilderingly at Leon.