Uhm, hello! My name is MaxwellC, a spare-time, old-time RP'er who has spend his past years writing short stories to improve on his writing skills. c: English ain't my first language, that's Dutch! However,that doesn't mean I don't want to improve on it, thus I RP! Writing and other forms of art are my favourite things in the world, because it shows a lot af the 'artist' his/her mind. That and a lot of ideas in roleplaying are really neat and are wonderfully executed. I hope I'll find some like-minded people who enjoy roleplaying as much as I do. Well, as much as I used to. Haven't RP'd in about... Two years now. Not since my exams of secundairy education. Now a bit more personal, I'm a twenty year old Dutch guy, doing a social study. I'm a big sucker for fantasy settings, a lot of influences from Tolkien and the occassional Lovecraftian tales. I read a lot of books, play video-games and try to keep myself up to date with most forms of art and literature. Nice meeting you all, Hopefully I'll see a lot of you out there!