After listening to Ren's advice on what to level up and giving it some thought, Lucian opened his stat window to apply his points from leveling. [i]I do have a taunt so to speak, so I guess if I put up my Vitality I can at least shield someone from getting that close to death again...[/I] He thought to himself and looked at Sasha, beaming with relief that all worked out well. He really didn't want anyone to die, even if he just met them. turning back to his window he clicked on the Vitality, putting all his points in, then stopped. [i]Wait...I should probably still increase at least some other Strength maybe? No...I'll stick with Intelligence...and maybe a point into luck for good luck?[/I] He removed two points and finished assigning them all. When he accepted it, his body flinched, again the strange surge coursing through him. He could feel that he had a lot more stamina than he ever had before, that his body could withstand more, it was an enjoyable feeling. Lucian let out a deep breathe, then saw that Ren was talking to another kid...with the Gamer title? "Is this thing broken then? We finished our quest and another appears?" walking over to Mike, Lucian eyed him up, he noticed he seemed to be quiet...excitable. Lucian raised a brow at the boy, "You know it may have been better for you if you were still sick in bed."