Heheh I feel like the proud mother of a teenager. You bring them up until a certain point and then they start growing themselves, developing their own identity and character and before you know it you have to recognize they’re no longer merely a piece of you. Anyway, enough of the melodrama lol. Here’s two lil jewels. [hider=Zi Wallace] [center][b]Zi Wallace[/b] [img= http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/313/f/8/untitled_by_shilin-d5kia1c.jpg] [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCwhIsDQlLY]Theme One[/url] / [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yo_8Os2Kh4]Theme Two[/url][/center] Name: Zi Wallace Alias/Nickname: People at the bar she works at occasionally call her Spike. Zi often thinks of herself as “Splinter” but rarely shares that with anyone. Species: Human Age: 25 Appearance: Zi stands at a height of 1.67m, and weighs about 50kg. Her waist-long hair is still one of her most praised possessions, even if it has paled to an alabaster colour, and Zi refuses to give up on it, even if it may occasionally hinder her in battle. In an attempt to minimize the risk of that, and despite herself, she often keeps it restrained in a tail, braid or bob whenever she expects a physical conflict. And that is almost all the time. [url=http://i57.tinypic.com/ifqs8g.png]Zi's eyes[/url] have also changed significantly, and now shine in teal which promptly stands out in comparison to her pale locks. They are bright enough to seem almost artificial, appearing to hold two layers of colour on top of each other rather than just a single one. Despite her lean look, Zi's body is well toned due to her prolonged physical training. Covering it are light clothes, most often in green, navy, black or white, that would make her indistinguishable in a crowd of humans. She doesn’t often wear armor as it would only tire her out further, but when she does it’s usually a simple layer of hard leather underneath her regular clothes. Those vary widely but largely consist of attractive flowing light fabrics such as silk and cotton that serve to both help her blend in her line of work and hide her weapons. When she’s not working, however, she prefers a more practical attire of jeans, linen or shorts. Social Status: Low. She currently focuses on working at a local bar, the Rabid Dog, tries to stay under the radar of any major factions and is only really familiar with the people in her workplace. Relations: Peter and Emily Wallace are the people who gave birth to Zi’s body and part of her soul. As such they have stayed in touch with their daughter until 2 months ago when their daughter suddenly distanced herself and stopped answering her phone after their bizarre last conversation was carried out. Living in Koa they have no current means of reaching their daughter and only rely on rumors on her whereabouts and wellbeing. She is somewhat familiar with the people she works with at the Rabid Dog but not especially close to them. Zi considers Hazumi’s acquaintances Lucien and Azel to be something akin to friends, even though she has yet to meet them for herself. General Activity: Zi spends her days wandering and exploring the city of Kenan and most of her nights working as a peculiar type of bouncer. She doesn’t roam the streets after nightfall, however, and should she still be out by dusk, will find shelter in almost any bright facility in her nearest proximity. Abilities: Zi’s first and foremost advantage is her ability to see essence. Having been a part of the Essence of the World she awoke with the innate ability to sense and see any form or essence despite its size or age. From the whole ones of living or recently deceased, to pieces, still residing recently shed blood or tears. While some are harder to spot than others, the easiest to spot are the bright deposits that build up over time, like the essences of Heaven and Hell that were spilled over the Surface with the break of the gates. Additionally to seeing, Zi can extract, catch, hold and combine fragments of stray essence and manipulate it for her own goals. The uses of those chimerical creations are limited in the physical sense. Not completely spiritual, their shape and density varies and while some can be thin and ethereal as air, others can be dense and thick as water or mud. As a shield they could provide a weak and temporary way of hindering one’s movements or dulling one’s weapons. Offensively, they become more useful and can be used as an invisible extension of a cutting edge or a coating for weapons, temporarily endowing them with properties that the original owner of the essence possessed. Zi is still exploring the various ways she can utilize her abilities for maximum efficiency. The essence creations’ most useful property lies within their transparency and general invisibility. That is caused largely by their uncommon nature that makes them hard to spot even for creatures used to feeling essence like vampires and werewolves. As such, they serve as many eyes and ears for Zi ready to alert her of almost any danger approaching her, much like a sixth sense. She can also control and use them to gain information about many distant locations, and often ones she couldn’t physically visit. However, despite their usefulness and Zi’s natural skill at controlling them, essence creations are, in general, unstable works. The particles are constantly being pulled in by the Void that waits to consume and recycle them and pinning them down to the Surface requires, if not always conscious effort and concentration, then at least enough energy and will on Zi’s part. Respectively their existence only lasts as long as Zi is conscious and capable of holding the different particles together. Furthermore, should she become fatigued or even fall asleep, the essence cycle takes its natural course and all collected essence rejoins the Void. The only way to stop that from happening is through trapping said essence particles in a physical object of demonic origin, naturally evolved to contain and store it. When it comes to physical abilities, Zi’s body is sadly not as capable as she’d wish it was. While her soul still remembers parts of its past existence, thus making her more agile and faster than the average human, she could easily be outmatched by almost any demon or angel, surface or not. As such, Zi was forced to adopt the idea of using weapons for both combat and self-protection. Equipment: Her weapon of choice is a [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/178/e/5/sidesword__shiavona___1_by_qualcuno-d551qne.jpg]sidesword[/url], one she almost always keeps strapped to her belt and backed-up by a twin at her other hip. She can use either with equal ease as she’s trained both her hands to be used to the movements required to assure her safety or victory. Accompanying the swords is a gun, one she still struggles to master completely. Personality: At a glance, Zi appears positive and easy-going. She seems to enjoy and truly appreciate simple things, even trivial ones, much like a child that gets to explore the world for the first time in their life. She likes to indulge in fashion, TV and books and especially appreciates music and dancing. Thus she could often be seen attending various events hosting those arts, from bars and clubs to symphony orchestras and balls. However, parallel to Zi’s light-hearted demeanor lies a much more serious one that often surfaces whenever it is needed, and sometimes when it isn’t. She then becomes extremely serious and stoic, all happiness draining from her features, leaving behind pure facts and dry resolve. This most often happens whenever she’s threatened or is forced to think about the past, present and future. Her attitude towards people also varies greatly. While she can come to instantly like some and be very caring, protective and helpful towards them, she can also be extremely judgmental and hostile to others. Her reasons for liking or disliking someone often remain a mystery and her opinion is generally hard to sway once it’s formed. This might be due to the constant conflict between her desire to meet various new people and the paranoia and trust issues that plague her heart all the same. Biography: The story of Zi’s origin started a long time ago and can probably be traced back to the end of the First Great War when the Fleshshaper first started his experiments on creating a creature to transcend the ones created by the Gods. By mixing various Essences and using former Gatekeeper Chime’s heart as a solder he managed to create what was later called Hazumi and considered the Essence of the World – a being combining all demon, human and angelic knowledge and skill but possessing no real personality of her own. Zi’s existence began a mere year ago when the Essence took on the shape of a sword, calling for a wielder. It was then that the Original angel Lucien managed to force the Sword into a scabbard against its will to be used. As a result a shard of the Essence broke off and seemed to vanish into thin air. However, this remaining piece of conscience didn’t disappear. Instead it found a human host to latch into and grow over the coming year. That was a slow process that seemed to end 10 months after the accident when Zi opened her eyes, conscious of herself as a single being. Although she shares most of her physical features with the former human Iris Wallace and most memories with Hazumi, Zi feels as a being of her own that only just came into existence. The past of her former selves exists in her merely as a hazy feelings and memories, as the odd stranger recognizing a familiar face. Still, at present, Zi still shares a connection to the Essence and can hear and feel its presence and condition. Zi’s past, even if it wasn’t entirely her own, has left a mark on her. It’s most noticeable whenever she’s out during the night. That’s when her motions become jerky and abrupt and her eyes endlessly scan the surroundings in a paranoid fashion. Her past as an invincible and proud creature and her fall from that position has broken a part of her that will likely never heal, leaving her to feel vulnerable and weak in a world what should have, and could well still crush her. While Zi is aware of her paranoia and usually manages to keep it in check, it often escalates as the sun starts dropping and reaches it’s peak shortly before she has to succumb to sleep. It’s then that she tries to find solace in clutching onto stuffed animals and surrounding herself in flickering lights. [/hider] [hider=Darren Winsor][center][b]Darren Winsor[/b] [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/dw5ag8.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Darren Winsor Alias/Nickname: Loom’s Weather Angel Age: 26 Race: Angel Appearance: Darren is 1.90m tall and as fit as one can be without actually working out. He loves eating sweet stuff but one wouldn’t be able to tell my looking at him alone. He wears a variety of clothes and styles, depending on the occasion and is most often seen in a stylish smart casual outfit of some sort. He loves blazers and scarves and formal shoes. He has black hair and grey eyes but there is something peculiar about those eyes. The more elemental essence is building up in him the more the pupil pales until it becomes mirror-white shortly before the essence explodes out of him. Few have been unfortunate enough to see that but it’s one of the well-known instructions of the Council to avoid angels with pale pupils. Darren’s wings are a mild pigeon-grey colour that gradually lightens at the tips. They have a falcon shape in flight and are rather on the large side with their 4 meter span. That means he can travel very far and quite fast but is at the risk of breaking one should he attempt to land in a narrow alley. He generally prefers walking everywhere he goes around the city so he always makes sure his shoes are not only good-looking, but comfortable as well. Social Status: Darren can’t be bothered with the angel hierarchy and couldn’t even care if the Council exists or doesn’t. He takes no sides other than his own and to some extent, that of his loved ones. He’s respected, if not feared, but he would have no way of knowing as he doesn’t keep in touch with the angel community. He’s not entirely certain what the human inhabitants of the city think of him either and if they even recognize who he is. All he knows is which places serve him and which don’t and that’s good enough for him. Relations: His human family – Angelica and Peter Winsor and his (ex)girlfriend – Lim Morrow. General Activity: Wanders or idles around the city of Loom. If he’s not going anywhere in particular he looks like he’s got all the time in the world. Abilities: As a Weather angel, Darren’s body and soul are connected to the nature of the region of Loom. The center of his power lies in the center of the city itself and stretches out to cover the town of Thorpe and a few miles of the aquatory off the shore of Loom. While this means that he has almost complete control over the weather of the region (by angel standard), it also means that he is incapable of travelling too far off his realm without severe consequences. On the up-side, in his own territory he is perfectly capable of sensing any upcoming “disaster” and seeing the flows of essence running through his city. Being linked to nature and the essence of a region has a variety of implications, the first and foremost of which being the capability of influencing the natural forces of the given region. As its master Darren can direct most of those forces, even though he can’t completely tame them. Most commonly his task consists of bending the weather in a way that prevents it from destroying major buildings or killing major figures by accident. Darren can easily move a storm from one city district to another, catch lightning or turn the flow of the wind passing through his lands. However, only because he [i]can[/i] doesn’t necessarily mean that he [i]will[/i]. Despite being bestowed with the power to operate the natural forces, the saying “let nature take its course” is too good a description of most Weather angels’ mindset and Darren is no exception. While he has often prevented lightning from hitting the Council headquarters, he has more often waved it off to other nearby buildings than stopped it completely, which is something he’s also capable of doing. By allowing a lightning to hit his own body or standing in the middle of an upcoming earthquake, Darren is able to actually absorb the natural occurrence and store it. As such he can then choose another place and time to unleash it. That can be a formidable offensive skill as hardly any creature, be it angel, human or demon, can survive a direct hit by a lightning or being stuck in the middle of a tornado. The prospect of that happening usually keeps any aggressor at a distance and assures a politically peaceful (and boring) life for Weather angels. By extension that usually makes them relatively mild-natured, if not overly passive. Still, there’s a limit to any Weather angel’s power, no matter how wide their influence spreads. As their abilities come from being linked to nature they not only allow the angel to influence nature, but vice versa as well. Sure, they can channel and bend it, but completely overthrowing it is simply impossible. That becomes most apparent when a big disaster, like a major earthquake or a flood, is about to happen. The lesson to not even try has been learnt at the cost of many lives as more than one angel has lost its life being ripped to shreds by a force far outmatching their own. Respectively that suggests that there’s also a limit to how much natural essence the angel can store before it starts damaging them but hardly any will be willing to share that information with any curious soul. Equipment: None Personality: Darren goes around the city like he owns it (and to some extent, he does) and doesn’t make a fuss of whatever attitude people are giving him unless they refuse to serve him cake. That’s not to say he’s a mellow fellow – he’s quite arrogant and stubborn and occasionally very hard to handle. He doesn’t shy away from conflicts should they be thrown his way, and will sometimes gladly punish someone for their inappropriate behavior. In general though, he’s just not bothered about either harming or saving people – those things seem like minor and trivial detours on his way from point A to point B. Also he’s obsessed with chocolate cake. Keep that in mind, it might prove vital. Biography: Darren is Loom’s Weather angel which he became roughly 2 years ago after the last one was executed by a gang of surface demons. Before that happened he was living with his parents, hanging out with his girlfriend and going to med. school in between. Since he became Loom’s Weather angel, however, things have changed dramatically. He dropped out of school, cut ties with his friends and started going home less and less. His character and demeanor changed and his loved ones still struggle to accept that.[/hider]