"Well, I usually don't, but for you, I could make an exception, my Lady." Bumble knew exactly what was going on. Usually she'd have to wait till the evening for such a thinly diguised chat up lines. The wine, the smooth voice, the classy but rugged look. She knew exactly how this one ended too, he'd be a noble man joining the war of his own sense duty to his beloved country. He'll miss the warmth of his cosy bed sat in the heart of his huge estate and hoped his new dearest "Lady" would come make his city bed more comfortable. And they could share his fortune together, desert the war effort and live snuggled together in the lap of luxuary, with horses and butlers and whatever that ball and mallet game is and everything a girl could dream of! It doesn't take a genius to work out what happens next. Bumble evaluated the situation. She was perfectly content to shoot him down but he did have one thing going for him. One thing that was making it ever so hard to decide. Wrapped up in his opening move was the possiblity of a free breakfast. At the end of the day, money saved was money that could be spent on getting books shipped to her from Muuraan Og'Og rhoch rhec, the northern Hobgoblin super-fortress, for work and working capital for adventures, nights out and trinkets should one take her eye. Bumble was momentarily distracted by the arrival of another tall, elegant and unfortunately sentient creature. A sense of impending "paying for her own breakfast" washed over Bumble which was slightly upsetting after having spent several moments enjoying the thought of not purchasing food. The Sickly Blonde sighed, oh how tragic her life must be with her and soft features and magical glimmer a cruel fate has certainly befallen her. A distraction for the horny half-elf would mean she could continue reading "Aguukerthaan", a tale abouth the emotional journey of a Ironhide Monk as he progresses through the ranks in the Monestary, a long with historically accurate recordings of Ironhide Monk traditions, values and teachings. It was a good read but only if you were a Hobgoblin. Bumble felt less and less upset about having to pay for breakfast the moe she thought about continuing reading the book, but it was definitely still worth getting the breakfast, there was still more to loose by being impolite. "Oh! Well, if that glass of wine isn't enough company for you, there is plenty of room over here, why don't you sit with your Lady and tell me how my prince came to be in a place like this? Bumble's soft but common as muck voice drifted on the warm draft that squeezed through the crack in the ajar window. Thinking about what she'd just said she thought she might have over done it a bit, enough that it was pretty clear Bumble saw through his facade atleast, but still consealing the fact she definitely wasn't going to be his midday fuck.