The slight jolt of the wagon immediately brought Trex fully awake. He had been dozing the past half hour not fully awake when the wagon started to move. Quickly sitting up he thought about joining Zelia up front when he felt the dead weight on his legs. Glancing down he frowned. Apparently, Bodo slept with Gyastu or it was just an exceed thing. However, that meant Trex couldn't get up and join Zelia. He moved his leg slightly to see if he could shift the little guy off without waking him but to no avail. Well that didn't work. He could lift the fellow up but he had no idea if that would wake him. Deciding it wasn't worth it, Trex reached over to his bag and pulled out a book. It was a good time to get in some reading. Though he did not often get a chance to read with his busy schedule he did like to read a bit here and there to learn new things. A trained warrior did not just train physically, but he trained mentally as well. Besides, he had nothing better to do. When the wagon finally stopped, Trex closed the book and put it in his pack. Thanking the Creator for another day, he stared down at the little Exceed. Really? Still sleeping? Looking up when Zelia peaked in he nodded. "That sounds like a good idea." He said nudging the exceed off his leg, slightly embarrassed that the little creature seemed so attached. Having an exceed was not bad if you were a dragon slayer but for someone like him... It was strange. He wasn't used to it. With the little guy off his leg and slowly rubbing his eyes, Trex grabbed his pack. "Come on Bodo, he said gently picking the exceed up and handing him to Zelia so they could clear the wagon. Jumping down he spotted the older man who used to rent the horses. Forcing himself not to smirk, Trex gave a slight nod and then headed over to the horses. Finally. It had taken them a long time to get these animals. He couldn't wait to see what a little flesh on them would do. They looked to be good stock, just poorly treated. Grabbing the halters he looked at Zelia. He still couldn't believe she did this for him. If he wasn't so formal and he knew it wouldn't stir up something inside him, he would have hugged her. And not the little side hug either. Shaking his head to clear the thoughts, not wanting them to go any farther he grinned. "Alright, let's head to the guild, find some answers and then take these guys home." He looked over at Bodo who seemed still a bit out of it. Apparently, mornings were not his thing. He wondered briefly how Gyastu did it. Did he just carry the exceed until it fully woke up or what? Bodo did mention he liked to be on time. Shrugging he headed toward the guild, glancing up at the sunrise. "It looks like it will be a nice day today." He told the two. It would be a good day to walk to his family's farm. Calculating the distance in his head, he figured that if they left around ten, they would make it to his family's farm by evening. Technically, they could go faster if they rode but Trex didn't want to rent another horse and he was not going to ride these ones for some time. Though they were strong, they shared the load. Besides, he didn't have the gear and his parents would kill him. As they reached the guild, he noted that the little exceed was now a bit more awake and talkative. As soon as he had been able, Bodo had flown over to Trex and had stuck around him the entire time. It was a bit nerve wracking with the horses right there and one false step possibly crippling the creature but it didn't happen. As they reached the guild, Trex tied the horses to the hitching post. "We'll be right back." He told them making sure that they were able to reach the water. "Alright. Let's go find out what we can about Gyatsu." He declared. ~~~~~ Skye hadn't been able to stay up much later after finding an inn. Though she tried to read through Flynn's writing, her eyes kept wanting to shut. It had been a long day and the combination of using her powers straight through for the past day and a half had wearied her out. She had crashed fairly quickly not bothering to take off the decorative skirt and jacket. Though technically the bodysuit underneath was modest enough, she had been to tired to even bother. When Flynn's voice cut into her sleep, Skye groaned and rolled over, grabbing a pillow and pressing it to her ear. She did not want to get up. She started to doze again. When Flynn mentioned something about getting breakfast she groaned again but sat up. Rubbing her eyes she slowly came to grips to where she was. Realizing where she was, she quickly glanced down at herself and then at the bed. Had they...? Did they share the bed? Seeing his stuff on the ground rolled up, Skye left a mixture of relief and guilt. Relief that they hadn't been that close and guilt because she made him sleep on the floor. Not to mention a bit the fact that she momentarily questioned his integrity. It wasn't often that she shared a room alone with some male. If she had been thinking more clearly last night she might have gotten embarrassed and flustered. But it was good. They saved money. Quickly turning to cover her expression she got of the bed and quickly made it. By time she was finished she was composed and able to face him. Going over to her bag, she reached in to grab her brush before realizing she still hadn't replaced it. Letting it drop back into the bag she looked at Flynn. "You shouldn't have slept on the floor." She told him. "I'm used to the ground, I wouldn't have minded." Not that she had made much of a protest last night. Mentally, she made a note to be more aware of things, even when exhausted. Had she realized there was only one bed and that he probably would not have shared, what with a girlfriend and all, she would have taken the floor. But she had been so tired and all. Turning, she zipped up her bag again and slung it over her shoulder. Excusing herself, she went into the restroom and quickly got ready. Behind the solitude of a closed door, she brushed her hair and made sure everything looked presentable. Sure, her clothes were a bit wrinkled but that was normal, at least for the bodysuit. Sleeping in them did have that effect. Frowning at the jacket and skirt she realized she had slept in them. Oh well. She would have to try and iron them some other time. Maybe Zelia had an iron back at the apartment. It wasn't like she cared. Well, in reality she did care. She didn't want people thinking bad of her. However, it did not matter. She was used to burying those feelings and pretending it didn't matter. Besides, she was a warrior. She could always blame it to a few nights out on the road. Coming back out, she glanced around the room, she noted that Flynn already had breakfast. As the inn didn't really serve full course, he must have gone down and picked up some of the breakfast rolls they made and brought them back. Sitting down at the wooden table, she set her bag down. Nodding her thanks, she took one of the rolls. Noting his intense look at the book, she glanced at the it, attempting to read it upside down. Apparently it was talking about some place where a waterfall crashed into two rivers. And where a blue barked tree grew at the base of the falls, right at the split of the two rivers. She frowned and reread the description of the valley. She heard of that place. She hadn't been there but she heard about it during her travel through Fiore. "Is that where the next key is?" She inquired. Apparently it was. At least the location to a secret cave where the key was hidden. What was with the color keys all being hidden? She didn't mention that she had an idea where the blue barked tree was. When she had been traveling far north along the border, she had heard rumor about a secret valley with a blue barked tree that supposedly could heal all ailments. she tried to look for it, not only curious about a hidden valley but thinking it would be a good spot to hide from the world. If it was hard to find, Tye and the others would never know where to find her. But after spending four days lost in the woods, which was saying something considering Caelum was wild and she knew how to survive in the wild and in the forest. But the area she had been in had been so bad that when she finally found a way out, she had been to scared of getting lost forever to try again. Besides, that part of the forest had felt worse then any place she had ever been. The story did say that a great evil dwelled in the woods, purposely confusing travelers so they could not find the secret valley. And those four terrifying days had made Skye really wonder if that was the case.