[b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Daniel~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] As he flew on his giant flying sword shaped ride he felt sudden weight has been added as he continued to telepathically fly towards his destination. Looking behind him as he flew Daniel noticed a large Avian like being but seeing as though it appeared to be green and made of plant like materials Daniel knew it was safe to assume it was Druid. With a smile as he turned forward again Daniel began to speak while he flew. "Hey Druid, nice of you to drop by." Daniel never got to truly meet or know druid other than maybe a few short meet and greets, especially with how things went after the ultimate separation of the team but he felt stronger, faster and better than ever before in comparison to how weak he was during the mana fight. Even still he doubted himself further. Even so it wasn't long before he finally reached the destination in which he would meet Sinna, already seeing the Girl Daniel stopped his freshly made "vehicle" and Stepped off, once both him and Druid were off he unsummoned it as he looked at Sinna. "So, you are alive after all 'Angel'... Tell me why we're here and NOT saving the city that's getting destroyed?" [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Sinna~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] Sinna continued to fly towards the destination that she told the Titans to meet her in. The City was in danger but she needs to know who is still available and who isn't so a quick meeting and plan couldn't hurt more than what was already done. She was the first one at her destination and shortly after she got there she could see Daniel and some of the others get there too. Once Daniel came he shockingly didn't do his usual "trick" to show off his own personal "skills" this time, but instead he just simply got off and waited for some other being (Druid) to get off as well before he unsummoned his mythril ride. Once he was off Sinna listened to his quick question and with a snappy retort Sinna responded," Because, I need to know who is and who isn't available. I don't know where all of the old group is and I don't care, I know this city better than anyone else and I'll admit that things aren't as bad as you may believe. Now..." Sinna Drew a diamond with all corners rounded using her magic and the dirt on the ground and once everyone was there she started to explain hastefully and seriously. "There is several Defense organizations in this city, one of the top major ones is known as 'Gold Corp.' as are there three nearby 'Grand Army' Bases and a highly updated and well-funded secondary police known as 'Paladins' *whisper to the side*'both of which also work under Gold Corp.' *Shakes her head before continuing* None of these have any concern or care for us so work with them if possible." Sinna then continued to draw everything she was describing and placed small circles in the diamond she drew as she continued. "Gold Corp. Will already have a safe perimeter up and would also be sending out its own 'Protective' Services here, here, and here to create a barrier and a safe zone. Daniel, you are to fight them off here, Druid I want you here and creating a path for civilians to get to safety, Nightingale, I'll need you in the side, on the roofs spotting and protecting the turrets here, here and here. Shadow you are I have a very special job for you that'll be discussed privately. Tyran & Steel, you both will also be clearing and patrolling here, to here, a direct line of two streets, this gives some civilians a direct line to run into safety Mina, Sirius and Vir..." Sinna stopped as she realized the three names she called and soon shook her head as she caught he mistake. Some of her best friends were no longer there, just those she called out already were left. As the red-hooded girl shook her head she closed her eyes and took a breath before opening her eyes again to look at her team. "Okay, is that understood everyone? With how things are we should have very minimal casualties and the entire city should be cleared in less than an hour. Top priority is not to engage into combat, it is to protect civilians until they reach all safe zones... Understood?" Once everyone responded Sinna Smiled as she cried out "Titans, GO!" and soon the grouped departed, leaving only Rachel left. Sinna slowly walked to Rachel and hugged her while holding her hand. "Rachel, I need you to do me a big favor, the owner of Gold Corp. will be out and in the city to get to his house, He'll most likely be taking this route... Please... Make sure that man gets home safely. Okay? Once that's done most civilians should be safe and then you can start sniping from his house's roof top. It's not that large of a building but it does give a lot of clear shots, you can literally see the other side of the city from there. I'll also be seeing you there, Okay?" As Sinna directed Rachel the red hooded girl drew some lines on her hand drawn map and without another word Sinna kissed Rachel goodbye, closing her eyes as she continued to hold Rachel's hand before letting go and flying off again. This time with far greater purpose, her sister would be leaving the house to be able to broadcast what's happening and since her sister was already a reckless teenager Sinna had to make sure she's safe. The thoughts of her sister getting hurt, if not killed was one that was clouding Sinna's mind every second of the flight as the girl clenched her fists, half way from breaking into tears that the safest place there is was just attacked and that her sister could be in danger. Sinna completely ignored the battleground beneath her and what was happening as she continued to focus on her direction as she flew towards her old home... A place she once thought she'd never want to see again. [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Daniel~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] After listening to Sinna's plan, as soon as Daniel saw his part he summoned his "Sword-bike" again but soon after he noticed that Druid was also not too far from his destination as well. While he played complete offence she was going to be the complete defense for a good portion of the city and so he waited on the bike for her again. "Sounds like you need a ride Druid." was the only thing Daniel said, signaling that he was willing to take her to their destination. Daniel waited for her to get on and no matter what, if she did or didn't he flew to his position after a short 2 minute wait. [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~SpellThief~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] Spellthief walked into the gym as he noticed Ace, the guy who had quite the power was speaking to himself. A cloud of fog flooded the room relatively quickly as the Mysterious mystical man walked into the room. He could hear Ace's whispers of doubt to himself but noticed that Ace didn't notice him and instead took a quick shower. By the wait Spellthief canceled his fog spell and begun to practice some of his own skills as well, starting with picking the pockets of his own companion for fun. With a chuckle the masked individual casted his "shroud" spell on himself and turned invisible as he walked silently into the showers, using all he knew to stay silent in a place like this and soon he reached the kid's clothes and quickly took out all the cards and knives except for one knife and one card. Once he had his 'Friend's' items, Spellthief moved out of the showers and his the objects somewhere inside the superhero training Gym before filling it with fog again. Once out Spellthief took out his bow and was now ready for some real practice with his teammate. As soon as Ace was out of the showers and ready Spellthief tapped Ace's shoulder before flipping while doing a backwards jump, landing on his right hand before pushing himself up and away from Ace with a light chuckle. Spellthief used his magic to write inside the fog, a talent he used for fun to leave silent messages for those in his domain. In the fog Ace should be able to see a message of thick white streaks in the fog that writes, "Tick tock, says the clock. Do not daunt, fight for what you want! Take a bow, the real test starts now, hehehehe" With that said the message quickly faded away as Spellthief took out a blunted arrow and shot it at Ace's leg, his arrows shouldn't damage or cut into anything like they normally would but instead his set of weaponry Spellthief is using training arrows that are heavily blunted for his comrades, just to make sure he didn't hurt anyone... This was training after all. After shooting his arrow Spellthief tried to stealthily walk within the thick fog to get behind Ace but didn't attack until he saw how Ace responds. Spellthief was more interested in Ace than the rest of his teammates and knew that they didn't pay much mind to Ace, and since John was also hardly ever seen unless it was by Shadowhawk or Ironsight, he too was nothing but a myth to the team and the only member that is known to exist but also not known as well. [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Steven E. Tudor~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] It was half an hour ago when Seven E. Tudor was last in his own office apartment and now he was out of the "Safe Zone" of his private headquarters and now on the public streets to get home and reach his daughter... and probably ground her again after all of this for her reckless behavior. Gun out the entire streets were now a battlefield as his bodyguards and himself were stealthily running to his home, which was no easy feat since most of the area was open with green trees and grass everywhere, so once they were stuck they had to wait for Gold Corp’s own mech forces to arrive and distract the enemy. The group was in one of the very few alleyways of the city as they could see six shadowy demons eating a corpse of one sad, poor individual. The leading guard signaled everyone to lay on the wall by them and take cover as the group prepared to shoot the demons with their silenced weapons. As soon as the first shot was fired the shadow creatures quickly turned towards the group and started to sprint, their weapons seemed to do little bit of damage to them but nothing too major though with a stroke of luck great breath of fire engulfed three out of the six and soon the remaining shadow creatures turned their attention to the dragon and jumped at it in a hasty attack, able to climb it and scratch it with their sharp claws, even so one by one the dragon managed to pull them off and crush them as it then turned its attention to the small group of humans that was in front of it. After looking at the group, almost as though it was scanning them the Dragon of pure flaming energy turned around and started to walk away from the group as though they were none of its concern. Out of shock the men all looked at each other at what just happened before the leader started to speak again while running into the street. "Move, move, move!!!" and soon everyone followed the man out and into the street, only to see the carnage of a complete battlefield between both the Dragons and the shadow creatures, for every one dragon there was 12 demons, most were attacking the dragons but some were just extras, hunting for new prey. As the men ran into the street in formation the shadow creatures that were free started to attack as soon as they noticed them, which lucky for the small group they were attacking only one to two at a time, which made them easier kills. [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Sally R. Tudor~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] Almost a half hour passed since the beginning of the attack and Sally didn't even notice, instead she was on her radio station like normal. "Come on guys, we're all human so how about some good fucking music while I actually BE a human being for a good five. After all people it's not like it'll be the end of the world or anything, am I right? In any case this is RMS, and I'm saying it's time to fucking feast people! And with a good feast I LOVE to listen to some nice, good death metal! And, here, we, GO!" As soon as Sally finished she took her phone with her and put herself on her own station to listen to her music with her headphones on as she walked out of her station room, jumping up and down while bobbing her head, mouthing each word from what most deem as a "vulgar" song without any regret, hesitation or remorse as she jumped into the kitchen and quickly spent the next five minutes before her song ended and she could hear her own recording bring up the next song as the girl continued to cook herself a bacon, egg, cheese sandwich for her lunch. Once done she had enough time to jump back into her station room and start speaking again though on her way back she noticed the sudden change of weather in comparison to this morning. "huh... I thought our stupid weather man was said it was..." before she could finish her thought a Dragon of pure fire and energy covered with eight to nine shadow creatures landed on the bulletproof glass window. Sally gave off a quick shriek as she looked down to see a large scale battle between the two beings down below as the building's protective systems were slowly but surely taking them all down one by one. Taking a quick bite out of her sandwich Sally ran back into her station room and cut off the music before she began to speak, now more excited than before. "This is RMS speaking and by god people, there is a fucking WAR going on in Eden. That's right and I'm in the very center of this shit! I BET you guys that the Titans will all be here before the sentinels, since they are too busy paining each other's fingernails to look good for the pictures in SC. But that is neither here nor there. THIS... is actual news people, and you know what? Who the fuck CARES what the rules, logic or commonsense says? in a time like this the I think it's best if I broadcast this shit LIVE on the radio before some news fool starts talking about shit they don't know about on TV. Alright here we go!" With that said Sally started to grab a small camcorder that is connected to her station and quickly she ran out of her room and out into the hallway before going down the stairs to get a good look at what's happening by the fourth or fifth floor. [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Jilocasin & Malchior~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] Jilocasin looked at Malchior again before commanding his sidekick yet again, “Bring me the chest. Our enemy’s power is strong and it is certain that we shall be fighting him momentarily.” With a nod Malchior ran quickly to grab a small chest and under it he brought a book. Jilocasin didn’t take no heed or caution from this act of Malchior’s, already knowing that Malchior wouldn’t risk such an act, especially against Jilocasin. With that said Jilocasin created another portal and slowly he walked into it, as did Malchior followed and the two both knew that on the other side battle would await, one way or another. [b]v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^~+~Eden's Status~+~^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v[/b] 1) Eden’s police force and the Grand Army is currently attacking the Shadow creatures on the east, northwest and south west with little prevail. 2) Gold Corp successfully holds a 15x15x500 perimeter around their building and is slowly but surely pushing the shadow creatures and the attacking dragons back. But alone it’ll take months to a year at this pace. 3) The Dragons are focusing only on the shadow creatures and their numbers are still relatively matched with these shadow creatures… They are currently at 89.75% compared to when they first started 4) The Shadow creatures are weaker than the dragons but they also greatly outnumber them 20 to 1. They are currently at 90.37% compared to when they first started. 5) Titans so far saved a few people but more help is needed… EVERYWHERE