With the one good ABA she had, Sophi listened carefully to the Angel fighting. Entertained by the sounds being emitted Sophi was unintentionally staring at the ground, misleading to some as appearing saddened by a deep thought. On the contrary she was amazed by the oddly beautiful sounds coming from the practicing Angel. She wondered how such an intense session can produce such smooth and swift sounds of movement, while also causing the destructive sounds of equipment breaking. With her abilities and lack of sight, Sophi became quite adept at feeling other's emotions if they're not purposely trying to bury them deep inside. But She was slightly disturbed by the lack of emotion coming from the Angel fighting with such effort. She felt nothing from her. Pulling back her focus she corrects her direction, looking around with her empty, seemingly ever watchful eyes that appear to never blink, before looking straight ahead. She began to focus on the others in the group, grabbing any information she can gather about them before making any social contact. She was disappointed to hear of the group splinting up. She was enjoying being around such a large group of non normal peers. Though she was a little intimidated by Ms. Blackthorne, she knew she would push her own limits. But she still had no preference of Angel.