So I see the calm before the storm is still around...well, let's change that. Behold my first character out of 6 (one of which who is brand new,another who is a NPC turned PC, and the rest who are from Season 1, including this one): [center][B][U]Szayeis[/U][/B] [I]Chimeric Lord of Chaos[/I][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Theme I[/url]\|/[url=]Theme II[/url][/center] [hider=Basic Info][B]Name:[/B] Szayeis(Pronounced Ss-Zay-is). [I]Alias:[/I] The Chimera; Lord of Chaos; Lord of Shadows; Master of the Game. [B]Nicknames:[/B] None, there is only one demon he will allow to call him any sort of nicknames, her name is Lily. Anyone else typically receives punishment for such. [B]Age:[/B] While it is not common knowledge, Szayeis is over 5,000 years old. [B]Species:[/B] Demon(Hellion). [I]Sub-Genus:[/I] Nightwalker. [B]Social Standing - [I]Demonic Lord:[/I][/B] Having ascended the western throne over 5,000 years ago, Szayeis has ruled the West ever since and as such is easily recognized by most demons. His status provides him a natural dominance over lesser demons as well as incredible influence within hell, and quite often beyond due to his extensive networking and manipulation of the inhabitants of Progaia, be they angel or human. Additionally, his status, when others become aware of it, alludes to just how frighteningly powerful he is and as such tends to warrant a certain degree of either fear or respect from those involved. [B][url=]Appearance:[/url][/B] The reference seen at the top of this sheet can be considered Szayeis' typical human guise, which can be often seen when he is masquerading on the Surface to accomplish his myriad goals and enigmatic aspirations. However, while that form is one of his favored appearances, it is by no means his true appearance. Afterall, Szayeis is a Nightwalker and as such is a shapeshifter. His 'true' appearance can be seen only when he enters 'Origin State' as otherwise he is more or less a shifting mass of living darkness and essence. While this is all true, there is one trait of his that, for the most part, he cannot alter and this trait is his eyes. Due to his status as demonic lord of the West, Szayeis has, like all his predecessors, awakened(?) the infamous Eyes of Praestrigia which are depicted below. For further information, read on. [img][/img] [B]General Activity:[/B] Szayeis is a schemer and a dastardly crook. The bastard has been dormant to the surface for the last year or so, but his forces seem to be moving regardless, and hell is in an uproar over the war between the Eastern and Western realms, one of which is his to rule. One could say that Szayeis' general activity is anything that suits his goals or his muse at the time. (what they do with their days? Do they have a duty or job? Are they wanderers? This entry, by no means, limits your character, but it would be considered your character's MO; modus operandi; general way of doing things) [B]Personality:[/B] While I could go through and define the many facets of Szayeis' personality, I won't. You'll see eventually anyways. [I]The Old One:[/I] An ancient being of unknown race, though most seem to think he is a demon, who is sealed inside of Szayeis' essence. It is unknown exactly what, or who, this being is. However, it should be noted that from the few interactions that have occurred already, the Old One is allegedly even more overwhelming than Szayeis. It is some kind of miracle and genius that has allowed the demonic lord to keep the Old one imprisoned in him for so long. [B]Biography:[/B] Life is a cycle and Szayeis has fallen into the longest and 'final' portion of his. Having died with the correct rituals and been reborn many times, Szayeis is a highly evolved demon. His life has been very eventful, but really nothing to mention in his opinion. He has killed and he has tricked, he has assisted, and betrayed. Evolved and portrayed many persona, masks if you will, to the many who have shared his company. However, in all his time, he has found only several among his demonic brethren and sistren that he considers either equals or amusing individuals. One of these individuals goes by the name of Lily, another highly influential demon, and as of late he has taken an especial interest in the female demon. Last of all it should be noted that Szayeis is a demon of whim, tending to be chaotic, or chimeric, in his activities. He has, in the past, taken on large escapes. Such as the time when he managed to take over an entire library, which he now uses as a base. He has gradually been attempting to take over a variety of other libraries so as to give himself a chain of locales to organize his forces and use as head quarters and the like. At the moment he is working with Lily, and his own forces. Additionally, he has taken a fancy to a particular group of beings, which he has been toying with for quiet some time now. He derives great amusement from this. --Over the last year or so, Szayeis' affiliation with Lily has declined following her injury, his assistance, and then her subsequent disappearance. However, this is hardly the most prevalent detail of his more recent history. During the conflict preceding the fall of the demonic gateway, Szayeis once again visited Progaia where he proceded to begin gathering his various minions and associates for some form of grand scheme. During his stay he did many things, including torment an old acquaintance, rescue a friend from mortal peril, [I]play[/I] with the emotions of one of his toys by kidnapping his sister, Aeris Kasio, and finally entering Origin State and laying waste to Loom. As he strode through the streets human and angel alike stood fast or scattered before him. Those who opposed him were devoured and those who ran...were barely luckier. With the angels unable to face him and humans failing to even hold a candle to his wrath, the lord walked from one end of Loom to the other where he stood before the Council's headquarters and promptly unleashed a horde of demons upon the entirety of Loom, blanketing it completely in his chaotic essence, and weakening the will of all within. Then the emanation of the World's Essence struck him and he turned path, allowing his hordes to crush the angelic base instead. However, even with his quick traversal of the space he was impeded by one of Ioi's brood, a [I]former(?)[/I] human named Aulder. The man stood no chance and so withdrew as the Essence of the Old One struck forth to protect its vessel despite its wish to harm those who inhabited its form. While the obstruction was cleared, the Reclaimer, daughter of the same master Aulder served, struck at Szayeis' realm. This pulled him from the jaws of the ancient and into the clutches of Lautumiae, the Living; a being formed from the West and those whom inhabited it. Thus the Western realm escaped the binding chains of the Reclaimer and stood before her, subduing her with their sheer vastness, before returning to their prior state and restoring the Realm as it is known. With his realm safe, though only for the moment, Szayeis retired to his castle, exhausted, after giving orders to the Nameless Aide. Since then the Aide has faithfully defended the realm while its lord regains his vitality and renews his essence. [Insert the happenings of the timeskip. Likely including a war with the Eastern realm, scuffles with other demons trying to invade the West while it's weak, and a multitude of plans being readied on Szayeis part. Daiyrisa assisted in his recovered quite considerably. It took Szayeis 6 months to be entirely able to function again. It took him a month to recover mentally and emotionally. Aeris is traded over to Daiyrisa at some point as a 'gift'.] [Both angels and demons alike are unsure if Szayeis predates the fall of the angelic gate or not, this is because he is a shapeshifter and his only defining feature is technically his eyes. However, the eyes of Praestrigia have been possessed by every demon, hellion or otherwise, that has ever reigned over the western realm. It is thus difficult to determine if Szayeis is just an incredibly powerful 'surface' demon, or a hellion from before the fall.][/hider] [hider=Nightwalkers] Demons of embodied shadow and darkness, nightwalkers are typically found in the western realm of hell where the sky is forever dark and no sun shines down on their shifting features. One of the few races of true shape-shifters, Nightwalkers are capable of changing their form with essentially no limits other than size, which is dictated by their individual power and/or how much they have assimilated, be it shadows, essence, or other sources of such. While able to near perfectly shapeshift to emulate any form they desire, nightwalkers have an acute weakness to things that emit powerful illumination, such as fire, sunlight, holy luminescence, and lightning. This has led to most nightwalkers being active primarily during the night time as most of their ilk would die under the harsh rays of the sun. Having rather unique capabilities due to their shadowy make-up, nightwalkers are capable of controlling, traveling between, and outright assimilating shadows. One can generally identify the power of a nightwalker by noting what form they decide to take and whether or not they can exist in the sunlight without being harmed or otherwise altered by the rays. As such it should be noted that weak nightwalkers will perish in mere minutes under the light of the sun and will remain permanently damaged if they survive, whilst a considerably more developed nightwalker will only be weakened by the sunlight, decreasing its overall power until the light wanes and the sun dips beneath the horizon. This brings one to a unique fact about nightwalkers. While all demons are weakened [I]somewhat[/I] and are thus stronger during the night, this particular species actually becomes stronger depending on how dark a locale is. Thus, the less light there is, the more powerful a nightwalker will become. When night falls, even a weak nightwalker should not be underestimated as they will become at least two to three times more difficult to kill and a good deal stronger than before, allowing them to compete with the average demon and fend off minimally trained angels. The average nightwalker during night time is far more deadly as they become a force to be reckoned with so much so that the majority of human and angel kind have recognized nightwalkers of the average level and above as being “nigh immortal during the night.” This is largely due to a nightwalker's ability to assimilate shadows into their body, allowing them to effectively /become/ the darkness of night, closing in on their opponent from all angles, and devouring them alive without consequence. Not only does this ability make them difficult to locate, not to mention damage, but it also increases the size that the nightwalker can reach when shifting forms, thus allowing them increased variability in their shapeshifting. Also due to their shadowy and incorporeal or intangible natural state, nightwalkers are essentially immune to conventional weaponry, be they guns, swords, or any other variety of weapon. In fact, the only material that seems to have any increased effectivity against them is gold, which can harm them even in their incorporeal state. It is not entirely known as to why this is the case, but it is theorized that it is gold's highly conductive state as well as the way that it reflects light, making it especially bright and particularly reminiscent of the sun. They are capable of traveling through shadows or pitch black areas with ease, not having to move in the physical sense, but being able to effectively transport themselves from one place to another through darkness/shadows. While this is the case for normal, or conventional, weaponry, it should be noted that enchanted weapons have a higher chance of effecting nightwalkers as they are infused with magical energy and thus, in part, exist in the same space as their allegedly incorporeal bodies. Fire, light, 'holy', and lightning based enchantments tend to cause these demons the greatest damage. However, a nightwalker's two greatest banes are in fact sunlight and what are referred to as 'despells'. These 'despells' are a class of magic that can deactivated or negate the magical properties of other spells, objects, or beings. Thus, when effected by a despell nightwalkers will lose their ability to become incorporeal shadows and will have to maintain some kind of physical form. Lastly among the typical abilities and traits of nightwalkers is the following, their cunning mindsets and their ability to manipulate essence. This ability varies in its use and largely depends on the individual, but it can be applied in any field from manipulating people's minds and emotions to warping their very souls to cause harm. The limitations and weaknesses of said ability depend on the individual nightwalker. Moving from their traits and delving into their culture some very intriguing details can be found, first and foremost among these is that nightwalkers do not appear to hold the first demon, and second god, Lucy in reverence. The reasoning behind this is unknown and while there are a great many theories none of them hit anywhere near the mark. Moving on from this, there is a focus on treachery, intelligence, a strict understanding of the vague, mysterious, and unseen aspects of reality in nightwalker society. In fact many nightwalkers tend to give out a title rather than their name for they believe not only that names have an inherent power, but also that this chosen title is more of an aspect or trait that describes them more vaguely than their name does, allowing them a degree of anonymity. As to their history and interactions with other demons, well, nightwalkers are typically a rather tight knit group and while many betrayals and the like will occur within their fold, they typically do not associate themselves with the majority of demonkind. The reason for this is unknown, but what is known is that it is not caused by either xenophobia or disdain. This mentality has made it rather rare to see hybrid nightwalkers who are a mixture of nightwalker and some other demonic race. In fact, their only truly prevalent interactions appear to be with the lord of their realm who they appear to have some sort of pact or magical contract with no matter if the lord changes or not. It is not entirely known what this pact entails, but it is very apparent that it does in fact exist. Beyond this nightwalkers keep to themselves, not intruding in the affairs of other demons or realms if at all possible. While they are not very sociable in hell, nightwalkers seem to change somewhat when they venture to surface, something all nightwalkers can do effortlessly and without passing the gatekeeper due to their ability to transmit themselves through shadows the exception to this being especially powerful nightwalkers, whose essence signature is too large to slip through the cracks and seams of the boundary. Regardless, when on the surface to explore, hunt, or scheme, nightwalkers will interact with humankind quite often, either misleading, devouring, manipulating, or even befriending their ilk. The presence of nightwalkers throughout human history points to this even more as in old myths and the like there are often described nightmarish creatures with no form, malevolent auras, and a wide variety of other traits that, if one does a bit of digging, seem to point towards nightwalker activity. In fact, one of the typical abilities of nightwalkers is that of nightmare creation where they enter the vicinity of their to-be victims, assimilate with the shadows of their surroundings, and utilize their essence manipulation to instil terrifying scenarios into the minds of their chosen prey. This has earned their kind another name and has led many demonologists to believe them a part of the demon classification of beings referred to as “Nightmare creatures”. These beings essentially feed off of the terror of their victims, dragging out their feeding processes for years whilst gradually killing their target through terrible nightmares. While nightwalkers are perhaps /capable/ of this sort of thing, they are not in fact nightmare creatures. Moving on, it should be noted that while nightwalkers themselves are not nightmare creatures, they are capable of creating such. How one might ask, well quite simply by infecting humans with their demonic taint which will typically create one of three types of surface demons these being Shades, vampires, or Sollicitus. For further information on these demons one must do further research.[/hider] [hider=Origin State] A detail about nightwalkers that has been hidden from the majority of not only the dwellers of surface, but from demon kind itself is that while they are indeed shapeshifters they all possess one form which is the truest expression of their essence. It is their Origin State, the state in which their power and personality is expressed fully. While this is universal to all nightwalkers, the lord of the western realm, Szayeis, has a particularly unique Origin. While this is not immediately notable, it is rather evident as while all of the lord's other forms possess the eyes of Praestrigia, this one does not. It is unknown why this is the case however, it is thought that it has some relation to the lord's life before he became a lord, though this is strictly rumor. Beyond this, Szayeis' Origin State is particularly unique because, unlike most nightwalkers, it is almost entirely physical. That's right, it still maintains some of the nightwalker's intangibility in the form of the body's shadow which is both unnaturally large and unnaturally dark, making it rather bizarre. Furthermore, this shadow's shape is entirely up to Szayeis. What is this shadow, one might ask, well it is the embodiment of the lord's ability to endlessly consume, be it shadows, essence, or chaos itself. It is the manifestation of his tireless will to control and to manipulate, drenching the world in his dark influence. The traits and abilities of this shadow are the following: [B][I]Entrenchment:[/I][/B] This relates to the shadow's ability to slow things that are standing atop it by pulling them into its depths. This ability acts much like quicksand, but it can be avoided by moving quickly and with great force over the surface of the shadow. While the movement of the shadow's Entrenchment is like quicksand, its consistancy is reminscent of tar, sticky and extremely difficult to get out of. It should be noted that, for the most part, this shadow will not materialize however, it is in fact capable of such, though certain capabilities will cease to work during its materialization. This ability appears to correlate to Szayeis' manipulative nature as he is easily capable to entrench others in his madenning schemes and delusions, allowing him to easily control their understanding and reaction to him. [B][I]Endless Consumption:[/I][/B] This ability is simple and relates to the previous capability, "Entrenchment", and is typically activated allowing it to chain in with some of Szayeis' more physical capabilities whilst in his Origin State. When things are pulled into Szayeis' shadow area they can be consumed. While normally there is a limiter to how much Szayeis can hold within his ethereal shadow body, this ability, while in Origin State, is active allowing him to endlessly consume essence to improve his physical capabilities, his ability to shapeshift when exiting this form, and to fuel any of his magic. This trait relates to his insatiable lust for power, though the reason behind this lust is unknown. [B][I]Constriction:[/I][/B] This ability is applied in a spherical area that follows Szayeis' physical body and is inherently linked to the demonic lord's shadow. When in a circular format, Szayeis shadow has a 6.5 yard radius. There is an invisible hemisphere which surrounds the lord's physical body, with its boundary always being of the same radius. Within this area Constriction is active. Constriction causes anyone within the 6.5 yard hemisphere to be physically limited in some sense depending on their method of locomotion. Any being with wings finds that flight becomes impossible within the constriction area, making aerial assault effectively impossible. Humans will typically find their movement speed decreased somewhat, which is felt as a crushing gravity on their bodies, as if the atmosphere within the area was different than what is outside of it. Szayeis an freely control who this ability effects, allowing allies to be unaffected by it, while enemies will be terribly limited by the crushing force of his embodied will to control. - - - - - - - Moving on from Origin State's non-physical capabilities, this form also greatly increases the output of Szayeis' physical body allowing him to achieve great physical feats. The base level of speed aloud is blinding while his strength is at least enough to lift trucks and crash his body through buildings. However, likely the most amplified of these abilities is Szayeis' durability, which has become such that a building could collapse ontop of him and he would remain mostly, if not wholly, undamaged. This is because while in his typical ethereal state Szayeis is nearly impossible to damage. Additionally, this durability relates to Szayeis' unbending will and persistance to keep going. The real kicker in relation to Szayeis' physical traits is that while his regeneration is decreased, this and all of his other physical traits become more and more powerful as he consumes essence via his shadow's Endless Consumption ability. This, among the rest of its traits, make Szayeis Origin State truly a force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, while his Origin State does not have many physical abilities, there are a few that should be noted, they are as follows: [B][I]Essence Inversion - Aspect of Ruin:[/I][/B] By pushing his influence from his body in an area and then rapidly pulling in non-living essence, Szayeis is capable of then slamming any portion of his body into the essence deprived surface and causing an eruption of physical force to tear the structure apart. This ability can even be utilized on air to send enemies flying with a sort of force push. This ability relates both to a Sharvalli he has assimilated and to his chaos aspect. [B][I]Ruina – Aspect of Amplification:[/I][/B] By focusing essence in any portion of his body, Szayeis is capable of temporarily amplifying his physical characteristics to reinforce his blows or his ability to defend against them. Additionally, he can utilize essence pulled into his body via Essence Inversion to further amplify his blows and/or create a personal shield of sorts over the surface of his flesh. [B][I]Essence sense:[/I][/B] This is an ability that most nightwalkers can develop and it is what allows Nightwalkers to detect essence signatures so well and to see even in the absence of all light. Basically nightwalkers can both smell and physically see essence, allowing them to locate and even define the details of a creature's body simply by detecting and analyzing their essence. This ability is particularly strong in Szayeis' Origin State due to the fact that his does not possess eyes. [B][I]Vibration sense:[/I][/B] In addition to his Essence sense, Szayeis has also developed an ability to define forms by way of vibrations which are released in his surroundings. This ability is more or less an extremely advanced version of echo location.[/hider] [hider=Capabilities] [B][U]Demonic Abilities:[/U][/B] [I]Enhanced Senses:[/I] As a nightwalker class demon, Szayeis has incredible hearing and night vision, not to mention he can see even in the complete absence of light. This is likely due to the fact that the western portion of his home realm and ruling domain is essentially without light at all times. Additionally, Szayeis can focus his vision, zooming in to see details, or zooming out for an incredible 200 degrees of vision. The extra 20 degrees of visual range appears to be an inherent magic of sorts. Last of all, as with his hearing, Szayeis (and any nightwalker) can detect the unique life signatures of others as well as track people through their blood alone. While, like all demons, Szayeis is forced to use blood or some other sacrifice for his magic, Szayeis actually devours or soaks himself in the blood itself to fuel his functions. [I]Incredible Intellect:[/I] Szayeis, unlike the majority of his kind, is incredibly intelligent. While most nightwalkers or cunning and instinctual, Szayeis is this and more. He has amazing memory, amazing perceptiveness and foresight. Not only this, but he is exceptional at planning and even better in the departments of creativity. He is rather difficult to outsmart and learns very fast. [I]Shapeshifter:[/I] Simply put, Szayeis can change his shape. His maximum size depends on how much blood, gore, or otherwise sacrifices have been given to him, or even gathered by his own hands. This makes his potential size utterly immense, however, he has not been viewed as an exceptionally large demon while in the midst of humans. However, it should be noted that Szayeis' eyes never change, no matter how different he becomes, the color and effect of his eyes remains uniquely unaltered. As a master of this ability, Szayeis is capable of utilizing the 'extra' or 'stored' mass within his body to emulate essentially any material. His body is capable of doing this as well, but generally he does not for it takes more energy to do so. [I]Possession:[/I] Like most, if not all, demons, Szayeis is capable of possessing the bodies of humans. In Szayeis' case, he must wait for the subject to be led, or in, near complete darkness. As such, Szayeis has his followers keep victims in a variety of locations. Not only that, but when Szayeis possesses something, the effects of his eyes near automatically subjugate the mind therein and turn the body into his. The body does in fact take on his abilities and essentially ceases to be human entirely. [B][U]Magical Abilities:[/U][/B] [I]Eyes of Praestrigia:[/I] Deception, trickery, and the searing coldness of infernal influence, Szayeis' eyes are unlike any other demon's. However, while there may be similarities no one has exactly this manner of eyes. Essentially, Szayeis has managed to devour enough of his own kin, died and transcended enough times, and been given enough sacrifices that his eyes have altered entirely. It is said that these eyes are 'given' only to the demonic lords of deception, trickery, the game, and manipulation. In essence, these rather special eyes are capable of not only seeing through lies and deceit --though there are some demons who manage to trick him regardless-- they are also capable of a sort of hypnotic effect on those who gaze into them, be it forcefully or otherwise. It should be noted, that gazing into Szayeis' eyes tends to either be an intensely frightening or awe inspiring experience, depending on his intentions. These eyes allow him to cast illusions or the like around himself or within a general area of effect. These illusions can be likened to projections. [I]Essence Manipulation:[/I] This ability is very simple. By locking gazes with the Eyes of Praestrigia and then placing his hand on any part of a being's body --as long as that being is of lesser power than himself-- he can manipulate the essence that makes them up. This process can cause physical, or otherwise, mutations and tends to be extremely painful. Additionally, if he kills a living being, he can manipulate their soul essence. He seems unable to do this to angels, however, demons and humans are easy. He can eat these souls if he wishes to, effectively assimilating them. Conversely, he can merely use this ability to apply his demonic influence to another. [I]Demonic Influence:[/I] Applied through either his eyes or Essence manipulation, Szayeis' demonic influence typically creates vampires, but it can also corrupt a person turning them into a manipulative or destructive individual. Its effects vary really, which is likely due to his high status among his demonic kin. [B][U]Skills and Learned Abilities[/U][/B] Szayeis is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to both human and angelic psychology. However, he cannot figure out demonic psychology considering the incredible variety of his race. He also has a good knowledge base on the human world, his own domain, and magic in general. His other abilities are combat related, but are not specific enough to mention really.[/hider]