Thrure managed to find a rough door with a large rusted metal lock that seemed to lead to the underside of this building. If being a skaven taught someone anything. It's that the deeper you go the more secrets you will find. He pulled some thieving tools off of his belt, which amounted to no more than a few crude slivers of iron and steel that he used as lockpicks. He broke through the rusted lock within a few minutes and flinched as the old wooden door creacked far louder than he would have liked upon opening. Never-the-less he slipped inside and descended into the dark cellar. He was dissapointed at the lack of anything all. It just seemed to be food stuffs. Food stuffs and many barrels of something. He growled and stole a loaf of bread of the nearest shelf to eat later. He stuffed it in the folds of his vest and carefully crawled his way through the darkness and up the only flight of stairs in the room. At least the stairs didn't lead into the middle of the common room. That would have been unfortunate for him. And difficult to escape. Though to his everyone seemed to pre-occipied in their drinking and food to care about a shadow emerging from the cellar. Sometimes it really was to easy to spy on the man-things. After a few more minutes of close encounters and near discoveries Thrure ended up running up the nearest wall and balanced on a rafter in the ceiling. Even he didn't know exactly what led him to be up here but it definatly was the last place anyone would think to check. He perched himself into the most shadowed area of the rafters he could find and pulled out the loaf of bread. There was no reason not to eat while he worked. He just hoped people would be to drunk to notice the crums.....and to be able to see into a shadow.