[b]4:23 PM[/b] William walked down an alley that he knew. Curfew wasn't for a few hours, but he didn't dare being outside anytime close to it. He couldn't risk harassment, he couldn't go back. The thought of being in that place again made him shiver and break out in cold sweat. The thought of Scarecrow, still inside, made him want to throw up. He stopped. There was something on that wall, something that shouldn't have been there. A red X. He knew that symbol, but he almost couldn't bring himself to go and look at it. That was Sass' symbol, her signature. But no, she was dead, wasn't she? And this wasn't her work. What was that scrap? He got closer and looked at the scrap of paper that was taped next to the wall. Will read it, but didn't touch, and then looked at the camera on the wall nearby. He turned and walked away. "The bed on the tongue in the stars of a Helm." A tongue is a restaurant, a bed is a home. "Stars" means to the right of "Helm" a water tower. Sprayers had an esoteric system of codes to give each other directions. It was one of the most well guarded secrets that they had. Even if you knew all of the code words, it was a very vague set of directions, and it would take an intimate knowledge of the city. Not many knew the language, and fewer would be able to place the exact location that it meant. An apartment over a restaurant, somewhere to the right of a water tower. There were many water towers, many restaurants, and many apartments. There were three locations that Will could think of that fit all of those criteria. He could check real estate websites to see which ones were abandoned, probably only one. That would be the place. The place that a dead girl was calling Sprayers to meet at. Could she have survived, he wondered, as he turned the key in his own apartment. Maybe. He heard gunshots, and he never saw her inside the prison, but he didn't actually witness her fate. He realized, as he dumped his groceries on the counter, mindless of the meat that needed refrigeration, that he had to go see this meeting. ~~~ [b]1:05 AM[/b] All his gear had been confiscated, but he knew of a Sprayer, name of Dodger, who kept stashes around the city. A quick dip into the nearest one, and William was equipped well enough. He had a new mask, and a new hood. Couldn't risk using his old outfit, they knew it, it was compromised. Without climbing gear, he had to take the fire escape up. He jumped on top of a restaurant's dumpster and leaped up to the fire escape, pulling himself up with some difficulty. Damn was he out of shape. The fire escape was easy, like climbing stairs, and he knew the apartment by sight because the window was slightly cracked open. Nobody would leave that open after curfew unless they specifically wanted someone to join them. He pushed the window the rest of the way and climbed in. "Sass?" he called out.