It was a casual day in new York city, the hustle and bustle of the city as common place as it could be, until the sky ripped itself open. Some sort of temporal, no, Interdimensional rift opened, cracking with purple lightning, as the vortex revealed a hideously loud shriek, the likes of which, none of the onlookers had heard before. Out of the vortex came a hideous beast, massive in size, repulsive in looks, its skin writhing with tentacles, and eyes. out of the crowd were cries "DEMONS!" "WE ARE ALL DAMNED!" and "ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!" along with screams, as people were thrown into an incredulous panic. Soon, as the monster floated even more out of the portal, its gaping maw could be seen, a huge hole filled with razor sharp teeth, it could probably eat a large whale (or a few) with no problem. the massive creature shrieked again, and the masses covered their ears in panic, the swat team appeared and shot at the thing, causing it no harm, of course. The beast had fully exited the portal now. it mouth ending, along with its body, in a bee-like stinger. the creature shrieked again, and suddenly, wave after wave, thousand after thousand of small, 4 foot tall writhing creatures fell out of the portal, feasting on the flesh of humans. It was utter chaos.