Gasping quietly to herself, Rasca thought, [i]'So she is stalking children! I knew it.'[/i] She kept a much closer eye on what the lady did now that she knew her purpose in staying in the forest. [i]'Must be one of the crazy nice ladies, that as soon as you try to leave, she sicks her pokemon on you.'[/i] The smile she offered did nothing to assuage the though that this woman had something creepy in mind for them. Who said that any of the trainers left her little hut, once they were let inside? Nobody, that's who. To keep the lady happy however, Rasca nodded as if she understood perfectly, letting an "Ahh." loose. She was glad that Leon felt the same way about the woman as she did. It was almost too coincidential that those Beedrill had attacked around the place where the woman happened to be at the moment. The lady could have planted them there as a trap, and it worked all too well! Careful to listen in on how the lady answered their questions, Rasca became very confused. How could there be yet another human being who was smarter than Leon, [i]and[/i] could understand pokemon perfectly?! It just didn't make sense. Unless... the old hag really was insane, that would explain a few things. Especially being out here all alone. Rasca couldn't begin to think about how lonely it could be out here. Not to mention coming back to the forest like some kind of homing Pidgeotto. "This lady is nuts." She mumbled under her breath, motioning with her eyes towards the woman's back. Hermit's were always the one's who ended up eating someone, and they weren't exactly loved by society. It was all the worst reasons to trust someone, only because she had more experience with pokemon fights. To top it all off, Rasca didn't like knowing the lady's name. Made her seem like she was apart of some sort of dream. "So...Miss Hermit lady, what do two wonderful kids get as consolation prizes for being selected? Besides regaining our dignity after losing a battle." Her shades framed one eyebrow as it shot up in slight amusement. "Unless you're going to work us to the bone, and then eat us. If that is the case, don't eat Leon, far too skinny."