So I was thinking on it a little and I have a couple of questions for ya myself Captain. The first is about Pokemon Centers. I know you said that there are PC's, but what about the magical healing machine thing? That seems pretty advanced for that point in time, that and I was thinking that it would be neat to have a nurse character that was a field nurse/assistant nurse during the war. And, since this ties in, what about potions and whatnot? Are they there? I vaguely remember the guy Cianwood pharmacy saying that it had been there for generations so I was thinking that the herbal remedies and whatnot would be the main form of portable healing. (And probably a little more well-received by Pokemon since they don't really have another option.) There could even be more varieties of the stuff like salves for burns, tonics for poison, some sort of all-natural muscle relaxant for paralysis, etc. etc. Oh, and what about the train to Johto from Kanto? I feel like a bullet train between the 2 regions at that time period would be... Weird. Maybe it could be a kind of locomotive instead and the trip takes longer? I know it seems like I'm being a stickler over the details, but stickling a little is fun for me, haha.