[quote=Harvest] So I was thinking on it a little and I have a couple of questions for ya myself Captain.The first is about Pokemon Centers. I know you said that there are PC's, but what about the magical healing machine thing? That seems pretty advanced for that point in time, that and I was thinking that it would be neat to have a nurse character that was a field nurse/assistant nurse during the war. And, since this ties in, what about potions and whatnot? Are they there? I vaguely remember the guy Cianwood pharmacy saying that it had been there for generations so I was thinking that the herbal remedies and whatnot would be the main form of portable healing. (And probably a little more well-received by Pokemon since they don't really have another option.) There could even be more varieties of the stuff like salves for burns, tonics for poison, some sort of all-natural muscle relaxant for paralysis, etc. etc.Oh, and what about the train to Johto from Kanto? I feel like a bullet train between the 2 regions at that time period would be... Weird. Maybe it could be a kind of locomotive instead and the trip takes longer?I know it seems like I'm being a stickler over the details, but stickling a little is fun for me, haha. [/quote] Glad you asked! Nurses are colloquially referred to as "Joys" because, on the battlefield, it greatly pleased a soldier to see one stepping out of the mist. So go right ahead, make a war-nurse! The healing machines don't exist, no, but it's not going to be as though they're wheeling them into operating theatres, either. The idea is that, in the 20s, they've got prototypes running: A series of incubation chambers that fit one pokémon at a time, each. Of course, this is only for intensive care: Minor (or battlefield) wounds will be treated as though the nurse was actually a doctor, with the assistance of some potion-reminiscent medicines, of course! Potions do exist, but they're expensive and frankly the herbal alternatives are just more popular. Pokémon are endeared to them because they're not entirely dissimilar from plants they'd find in the wild whenever it was they needed a health-boost (ie: after fainting whilst battling a trainer.) The train from Johto to Kanto is a two day steam-engine journey. But the opening of the roleplay will... change the tables on this, a little. I don't want to spoil it, but Team Rocket will be meddling.