[hider=Post 58B, Frettzo, FallenReaper, Sundered Echo | Kinsa, Xid, Jewel | Part II] --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- The moment the bot started to move, headed right for the woman… Kinsa couldn’t move. Her hands locked up and her feet were planted on site, as she watched the machine slowly crawl its way towards its target- The prisoner in Senator robes. She could have finished the droid off, quickly and painlessly… But something didn’t let her. Her gaze locked up with the woman’s for an eternal second, Kinsa’s filled with fear and hesitation, the woman’s with panic. The droids were ruthless. Cold and murderous, with a single goal, and nothing to deter them from achieving it. But Kinsa could have stopped this single one, before it took a hold of the woman’s ankles. Something felt wrong just then, something ordered her not to move. The Senator, a corrupt figure, a cancer to the Republic, probably deserved this. But was it the right thing to do, to allow this to happen? She looked down at the floor in disappointment in herself as Xid asked her questions that she didn’t have the answer to, and she merely nodded when Xid told her to watch his back. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- Jewel smiled as she watched the Twi’lek hesitate. This was an excellent turn of events. She had to find out why though, after all, it might be a weak and flawed character that caused such a lack of action. She walked back to the group in the centre, stepping over the broken droids and barely sparing a glance for the jedi healing the woman. [i]“Why indeed, Kinsa? Why did you allow this senator to be injured? You had plenty of time to finish your target, yet you didn’t. Explain to me, and to her-”[/i] Jewel pointed at the Senator [i]“Why you didn’t stop the droid.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- [i]“I-...”[/i] She began, hesitating once more as her eyes traveled from the Sith to the Senator, then back to the Sith. [i]“Personal… Professional reasons.”[/i] She mentioned, trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“Professional? letting a civilian get injured unnecessarily is hardly professional. Even Sith try to minimise civilian casualties when possible. So do not lie to me. I want the truth. I imagine she does too.”[/i] Jewel was having to put a slight effort in to maintain a calm voice now. The alien should know not to waste time with a Sith Lord. --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- The Lord’s questions were hard to avoid, and every time she affirmed that this… Senator… Was an innocent civilian, a part of herself was taken back to her past. Grieving families, mangled bodies in the depths of Coruscant… She remembered the horrors that she went through to bring justice to Coruscant, and to bring relief to the afflicted families. And she also remembered how she was betrayed by the Senate, to have all her evidence erased, her investigation forcefully ended. The families with no closure. Kinsa looked up again, at the ceiling. [i]“The Senate has proven to me that they’re just a group of traitors, who only wish status, and are willing to destroy anyone and anything else in their search for power and wealth. I witnessed entire families grieving for the loss of a loved one, who was caught up in one of the countless conspiracies these… Beings… Plan out. It’s hard for me to think… To think of them as innocent.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“I sense hate in your words Kinsa. Does it make you angry that while Coruscant burns, this Senator survives? Think how many others were not spared, those that deserved to live but have been denied that chance, and yet here is a symbol of the Republics corruption, alive and well, thanks to you and your friend.”[/i] All frustration had left Jewel then, this was something she could encourage, a fire she could throw fuel upon. --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- [i]“I wonder how many others your troopers could have left living. Any member of the Senate is below a civilian in importance on my list. Your troopers, though…”[/i] She began, sighing. [i]“The words you speak are completely false, Lord Namore. Your troopers killed thousands, maybe even millions, in Coruscant. You burned Coruscant, and chose to let this Senator live. Should I be angry? Should I be depressed? Should I be happy?”[/i] She asked, waving her arms around to go with her words as she focused on the Lord. [i]“I do not trust the Sith, and I do not trust the Republic. I… Apologize for being so outspoken.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- Xid felt his energy slip into the woman’s foot, the bones mended and reset back their original state painfully slowly. He focused on the conversation, unable to blot out the words being spoken by the two, feeling his heart sink slightly upon hearing Kinsa’s views about the Senator. Odd… he thought for a moment, realize how many people saw droids as nothing more than slaves their will. Things that would be tossed away or discarded when they served no more purpose, they were even destroyed when they got in the way. Yet no one saw things the way he did. It didn’t make him sad because all things had a right to their view and he accepted that, however this didn’t seem right. His eyes just lowered to the ground still focused on healing the woman while keeping himself from going overboard. Not easy for him. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- The poor, naive Jedi. She didn’t see the realities of war, like so many of their kind. [i]“You do not understand Jedi. What we did, we did out of necessity. The Republic refused to surrender, even as we offered them their capital world. The remains of your senate choose to scorn our attempt to form a ceasefire, and in doing so they condemned a world full of innocent souls. If you believe that the Republic would not do the same to Dromund Kaas given the chance, you need only look back into your history. They bombed Korriban from orbit at the end of the last war. Millions of innocent purebloods and humans alike were killed by order of the Senate, while the Jedi stood idly by. They didn’t even give the Sith Empire a chance to surrender back then. And so you see that they are no better than us. Nay, they are worse.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- [i]“I… Did not know that.”[/i] Kinsa stated, looking away. [i]“All this time the Jedi have taught me the good things about them. Did they ever mention the bad things?”[/i] She asked herself, tempted to drop the sword and just… Leave. But she knew she couldn’t do that. [i]“What am I supposed to do with this new information? Decide which side is better? Because it’s… It’s very confusing.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- [i]“There’s always evil in the universe. Before the Sith there was another race that destroyed and enslaved planets though their advancements so pretending there isn’t doesn’t change that. In the end, it comes down to one thing: your choice. Jedi are taught to be impartial because it’s not our right to decide what evil should exist or not, merely to make the universe a better place through our own actions. I don’t know what’s going through your head Kinsakwi, but I don’t think you actually hate them as much as you hate the result. We can only do the best we can.”[/i] His hands released the Senator’s ankle, feeling the dizziness in his head pounded at the edge of his mind, while his hand reached for one of the droid’s fingers. It came off easily enough. Then slowly, he rose back up to his feet and made his way to Twi’lek before stopping in front of her. His fingers had moved, shifting around parts so she could use it and changed the forefinger into a ring one. [i]“I’m sorry I didn’t notice earlier but this should help. Personally, I know you’ve got a lot of light within you and you’ll make the right choice.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- Jewel had to stop herself from throwing a venomous glance at Xids last words. The rest she could twist to her advantage, but mentions of the Light-side were difficult to twist. She forced a smile onto her face and spoke again in a soft voice. [i]“Kinsakwi’Teksa, the right choice is always in front of you, waiting to be taken. You need only trust your feelings and follow your heart. The Sith are not evil, we simply do not let anything get in the way of doing what is right. This is what I am trying to make you see. When we are oppressed, we rise up and strike down our oppressors. When we see corruption, we cut it out without waiting for the very order that is corrupt to approve it. We follow our hearts, and do not limit ourselves. Even here, bound by the bonds of captivity, you have a chance to make the galaxy a better place. There is a symbol of the Republics selfish corruption just over there… Does she deserve the chance to live a safe life in Empire? It is up to you to decide that.”[/i] As she finished speaking, Jewel reached out to Xid with the Force and subtly held his vocal cords and tongue immobile. She would not have his sickening optimism about the Republic stop her now. --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- Xid’s words were true. At least, some parts of them. But not a day had passed in Kinsa’s life that she had wondered how to make a better job, how to be more effective. And the Republic’s bureaucracy had always, without a single exception, hampered the Law’s advances. She could notice Xid’s state of weakness, but he still stood up and walked towards her, holding something in his hands. After a moment or two, he showed what he was holding to Kinsa- one of the Droid’s fingers. Apparently a ring finger. [i]“You… Didn’t have to. Thank you, Xid.”[/i] She told him with a small smile, grabbing the finger with her left hand. Then Lord Namore spoke again, and her words held truth with them. She glorified the Sith Empire… Told of its effectiveness dealing with corruption and oppression. As she mentioned the Senator once more, Kinsa couldn’t help but glance at the woman. She was still scared, but was slowly pulling herself back together. [i]“She doesn’t. But you say the Sith Empire does what’s right, yes? Why not let her live as a commoner? To have her taste the life of the people she used to torture?”[/i] She asked, not taking her eyes off the Senator. [i]“I believe that’s justice.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“After so many Senate ordered Deaths, do you really still believe that is sufficient punishment?”[/i] A simple question, but she maintained the silencing effect on Xid. He would interfere right now, and she couldn’t afford to be angered. Ideally, Jewel wanted to Kinsa to kill the Senator here and now, but she would go through with whatever the Jedi decided. --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- Kinsa held silence for a short moment, before speaking up. [i]“I… Don’t, actually. But she benefits other people by working hard. And if she ever goes back to her old ways…”[/i] She said, leaving the sentence with a short glance at the droids. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- Jewel thought about Kinsa’s answer for a moment. It actually made sense as a cruel and unusual punishment. Of course, Jewel couldn’t be entirely sure it was meant that way, but for now it would have to do. The girls confusion was evident, and she’d even acknowledged aloud the fact that the Jedi were not the paragons many held them up to be. She judged that for now, that would be sufficient. Not quite what she’d planned, but events rarely turned out precisely as one planned anyway. [i]“Kinsa, you may leave. I will tell Imperial Intelligence what to do with the prisoners, as you have said. Some soldiers will escort you back to your cell. I’d advise you don’t try to escape. I cannot protect you from Sish if you run headlong into him in the corridors again.”[/i] She tapped a few buttons on her gauntlet and a squad of soldiers entered, taking both Kinsa and the prisoners away to their cells, but not before pulling the sword from Kinsa’s hands. At that, Jewel released Xid from the Force grip she’d held on his speech. Her soft features changed abruptly as the doors closed, revealing much of the anger she’d kept pent up while Kinsa was there. [i]“And what do you think of it all?”[/i] Her voice at odds with her expression, still remaining largely calm. --- [center]PoV: Kinsa[/center] --- She could not reply to Lord Namore quick enough, as being just being let out like that was just… Surprising and shocking. As she was led out of the Arena-like room by the four troopers, an idea sparked in her mind. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- He couldn’t speak when the event unfolded; Kinsa made her choice and stuck to it though it wasn’t the ideal one. At least she had some better good behind it in a small way. Maybe it would grow better or worse, only time would really tell. His hand rubbed his neck while pressure was applied to his tongue and cords, frozen in place by an invisible hand. The soldiers arrived to take Kinsa away, the sword taken, before they left. He watched them leave letting his eyes show some hope for her. Even if he disliked the fact she was hinting at using the droids to resume their dark purpose. When the doors closed he knew he was in trouble as the Sith released his voice and made a sudden shift in her features. It wasn’t hard to tell she was angry with his interference and for threatening the delicate situation. He kneaded his throat, his tips rubbed away only a fraction of the pain, his eyes not glancing the Sith’s way until her question reached his ears. His eyes peered up, deciding no matter what he said there won’t a right or wrong answer from which would spare him from the Sith’s anger. [i]“I think I have more faith in her then you. That’s why you kept me from talking…”[/i] Xid made his point blunt and simple. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“Meddling child”[/i] She spat, raising her arm and bringing the back of her armoured hand into the side of his face. She lowered her voice then, so it was barely audible to him and not audible for the cameras in the room [i]“You’re the one Imperial Intelligence is looking for aren’t you? The Jedi Technician.”[/i] There was threat evident in her voice, and she made no effort to hide the hate she felt. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- He bit back a yelp when the hard metal knuckles bit into his skin. Eyes shut, braced as she backhanded him and made a sharp sound. She had managed to catch his lip; the flesh splinted and bled a bit causing his hand to wipe it away. He cautiously repositioned his head back to face her just in time to hear her words. A slight confusion washed over his expression, piecing what she had said together in his mind. Imperial Intelligence was looking for someone? A Jedi Technician...he was only a Padawan, at least in his mind and couldn’t understand the worth anyone would have in seeking him out. Again, the answer was short. There was so much hatred in her eyes that it seemed solid enough to spark the air between them, his voice steady. [i]“I’m just a Padawan…”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“You would like us to believe that, Padawan, but I saw what you did with those droids. You destroyed them with surgical precision. Denying it will only lead to pain.”[/i] She then raised her voice back to its normal volume, letting anger drip from it. [i]“Don’t you hate what I’m doing to your precious Twi’lek friend? Turning her views to match my own? Don’t you want to strike me down and rid the galaxy of an ‘evil Sith?’ Isn’t that what your kind do? The mighty Jedi, vanquishers of civilisations, murderers of millions.”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- Xid was silent, letting a moment tick by and to remain calm. That the key but it was easier said than done, much to his dislike. This wasn’t going to end well but before he could speak, she had pulled away and raised her voice once more. His vision didn’t leave the woman, forcing his body to relax in order to reply. [i]“If she had seen your views and not made her own, then likely blood would’ve been spilt. Despite what happens, I still believe her light is stronger…”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“The seed is sown. I am a patient woman. She will fall in time, and I’ll make sure you see it.”[/i] She stepped close to him, leaning over him and whispering in his ear. [i]“Now give me a reason why I should not tell every other Sith onboard this ship that you are the Jedi that will bring them the favour of a Darth.”[/i] She had little use for the information herself, but she also didn’t have a reason to help the other Sith. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- [i]“Just because the seed is sown, doesn’t always mean it will take root. She’s stronger than you think she is or you won’t have silenced me. I can’t help but wonder if you realize this as well deep inside.”[/i] He started with a firm voice as once again her voice dropped, her words whispered in his ear. Deep inside, part of him wanted her to because Imperial Intelligence didn’t care about maiming or killing their prisoners and that fear he tried to ignore would never come to past. [i]“I rather die a Jedi then become what you and he became…”[/i] His looked determined; his jaw tightened believing this will end. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- Jewel withdrew as the foolish boy made his defiant statement. [i]“You’d rather die? Well I’m afraid you won’t have that privilege any time soon.”[/i] She said as she walked back to the middle of the arena. [i]“But if you will not become one of us, you will know your place. Through pain.”[/i] She whirled then, putting all her might into a Force throw. It was less than what other Lords could do, but for all the Jedi knew, she was holding back. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- He didn’t expect her to take kindly to his comment, relieved when she placed distance only to feel the push of something against him. Too late. Xid was tossed backwards as his figure folded, balling up in defense when he hit the wall. His back rippled with pain from the impact, his breath forced out alongside his cry. His used of heal had weakened him some and made it difficult to defend against the attack, even if he had been expecting it. So much for it being over, he scolded himself, his legs started to pick himself up again. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“Get up Jedi!”[/i] She shouted. [i]“Defend yourself! Or am I to treat you like an animal devoid of honour?”[/i] She grasped the hilt of one of the Swords on the wall wrack with the Force and pulled it into her hand. It was only fair she use the same weapon she’d given him. When the Jedi didn’t respond, she threw the weapon to the floor with a loud clatter. [i]“An animal then, a beast that walks on two legs and presumes to be able to speak!”[/i] She raised her right hand and reached out with the force, grasping at his internal organs. Invisible fingers wrapped around his right lung and constricted. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- Another scream erupted from Xid’s mouth; the lung felt like it was collapsing in itself. It hurt so badly that his knees waivered, finding it difficult to stay upright. His hand pushed tightly against trying to gain some ounce of strength. It didn’t help, nothing could. Heart thrashed at the bars called his ribs, desperate to bruise and bust free. The constriction seemed to tighten to show how much she meant her words. Slowly his body fell to the ground, bring him to his knees, his right hand clutched over his lungs as if somehow could pry away the invisible fingers threatening to crush the flesh bag inside of him. Just make it stop… but he couldn’t say anything. Or rather won’t. He won’t let her manipulate him like Kinsa, refusing just to show the woman’s true colors. Another organ felt something squeeze it. He let out a fresh scream with the new wave of pain that washed over him, his skin already started to pale. It dug in, farther and farther, his body flipped to its side trying to ride the torment out. His insides were on fire and growing worse from passing time. If this kept up he would pass out soon and Xid didn’t want that. The hand shifted to his heart just then. He balled up, his throat harsh and starting to become raw from the screaming. Ba-bump, ba-bump...then a long pause. The muscle stressed and strained his mind slightly numb to the sensation now that he didn’t realize he was shivering. [i]“Just end it…”[/i] Xid let the plead escape. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- When he finally started begging for her to stop was when she released his internal organs. By now she was standing almost directly above him, and it was only one more step to be next to his crumpled form. A step which she took. Then she kneeled over him, and brought her face close to his, her mouth next to his ear, her hair falling onto his face. [i]“No. You brought this on yourself. Remember that.”[/i] She whispered to him. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- He made his form small, more out of instinct than fear, the relieve spread from where the pressure was released. No more crushing pressure and a slight relaxation came over him, the emotion soon fade when he felt Namore draw closer and whisper to him. [i]“I’ll never become like him… someday, it will end.”[/i] His words had a bit of hollowness to them, his mind pushed away the thoughts that threatened to rattle him once more. Xid truly hoped it was true. He let his body go limp. --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- [i]“I believe you.”[/i] She whispered, before grasping his throat with her right hand. She stood, still holding him, and raised him off the ground, using the force to assist her in lifting his weight. [i]“And I pity you for it.”[/i] She said as she pulled a dagger from the wall wrack with the Force, catching it with her free hand. She began to squeeze his throat, crudely choking him enough to begin bringing about unconsciousness. She stabbed the dagger into his stomach up to its hilt, in such a way as to avoid anything immediately lethal. Her face was a cold, impassive mask the whole time, her body having naturally slipped into the combat state of Juyo. Only her eyes belied any sense of anger, hate or enjoyment. --- [center]PoV: Xid[/center] --- Xid’s hand took hold of Jewel’s wrist when he hauled him upright, her fingers pressed deeply into his throat and killing the air in his windpipe. He heard her words yet didn’t register them. It was rather funny how he had said the last words once to someone so filled with anger and sorrow, and now they were being repeated to him. The Force worked in mysterious ways it seemed. The edges of his eyes took on a darker coloring, the darkness closed in, his form relaxed slightly. A slight glint caught his eyes when a dagger floated to her hand. So it was going to end after all he thought. When the dagger sank, warmth and blood seeped through his Padawan outfit. Thinking he was going to die, Xid spoke his last words. [i]“Ithor was wrong… and I’m glad he was.”[/i] Xid let the darkness take him. [i]“I won’t be like him…”[/i] --- [center]PoV: Jewel[/center] --- As the Padawan sunk into unconsciousness, Jewel threw the weight of his body up over her shoulder, leaving the dagger stuck fast in his flesh. She briskly walked out of the Arena with the Padawans dying body, heading in the direction of the med-bay. When she wasn’t leading a group through the convoluted hallways the route proved much faster, and only a little blood had seeped past the dagger onto her armour by the time she got there. Roughly throwing him down onto the operating table as several Imperial doctors rushed over, she said simply [i]“Save him.”[/i] before turning on her heel and walking out of the med-bay. [/hider]