After exhausting his voice and exhausting himself, it was all Razz could do to try and ignore the pain while he waited for someone to ask who the hell he was, what the hell he was doing, or any of those other things that humans loved to ask. Surprisingly, however, he didn't actually end up hearing anything for multiple seconds. He was greeted by movement that he could hear, but none that he felt. He was... being ignored? What kind of an army ignores ten gold? These humans are just too weird. This was getting to be an issue. He was likely dead if he was ignored. He decided that against his burning desire to not move a single inch, it would definitely be a good idea to open his eyes, just so he had a chance to understand what the hell was going on with this place. Breathing deeply, he decided that yes, he was doing it. He was definitely going to open his eyes in just a second. Maybe a few seconds. Or maybe after he had a short nap.... As it ended up, however, he didn't need to concern himself with opening his eyes, as the cold steel of... something... pushed down on his neck, shocking his eyes into an open state. [i]Well, finally![/i] What he saw, however, wasn't entirely what he was expecting. Instead of one of the guys in their casual clothing and rags that he was expecting, this was a full-grown woman in full plate. [i]Well, shit.[/i] This wasn't good. A squire, he could convince with money. A soldier, he could convince by looking helpless. This girl looked plain crazy. This was gonna be a problem. [i]“And who might you be?”[/i] He heard, or at least though he heard, his ears were still ringing. [i]Okay Razzy, time for some tact. Polite and submissive. Polite and submissive.[/i] Summoning up all of the air he could manage to get into his lungs, he croaked out a quiet response. "Razzalorn Timmindale, your mightiness, at your service. Don't worry yourself, I don't intend to cause any harm, I simply happen to have found myself in a teensy spot of bother and was wondering if there were any powerful knights such as yourself who could be... kind enough to escort me to a little old bar in the outer circle where I can heal myself up. We ARE near Earroldir, yes?"