Just a few topics I'd like cleared up before I commit. Magic: What's the policy? Is it all regulated, book learned, specific ritual mass produced spellcasting, or are there base "Natural Magics" that a character can have? If the latter is true, What are the limits on Inherent Magics? Characters: Are there limitations on the characters themselves? Rules about race, background, social status, knowledge age personalityskillsetinteligencenutallergies *GASP*? Setting: Where will we be, will there be fighting, romance, mystery, dungeon delving, spelunking, exploration, nut allergies? (I really need to stop with the nut allergies...) Help: Do you need any help? I'm quite knowledgeable on different kinds of magic lore, and would be quite happy to fill in the blanks or even show you a different school of thought you might like better.