Sarah rolled her eyes- ...eye, at Levi's question and began nodding sarcastically slow. The last Dave suggestion got them into this mess! ...But apparently it was this, or the surface. The redheaded techie decided that these mercenaries had pathetic IQs. They wouldn't anticipate this escape route would they? "Ladies first," David offered after smelling the old sewer pipe. How could this thing still stink after what, 200 years? Well it was this or risking getting shot... In truth Dave only vaguely knew where this thing went. It was kind of rusty, but it was built to last wasn't it? Yeah, probably. Sarah grabbed Dave by the arm and pulled him toward the open grate, letting him go in second after Levi. He reluctantly climbed in and began following behind the male of the two Vault dwellers. "You're going the right way, mate. If we keep going we'll come across an opening in the pipe. Should let us drop down into a subway station. You know, like.. Ah, you know what I mean aye? Anyway it shouldn't be far along - I used this thing once as a kid." After about a minute of crouch-walking through the torturously bad smelling pipeline, there was a broken opening on the underside of the thing. When looked through there was the tiled floor of the metro station below. The drop was only a meter so. "The tunnel heading south should take us back into the NYC metro lines. ...Unless you plan on doing the recon properly. Personally I'd just tell Hunter that things up north are... Well, batshit insane." Sarah suddenly let out a short yelp as she unluckily fell through a more rusted part of the pipe and landed back-first on the platform below. At least the rifle was still in one piece when it hit the floor. "...Red?" David called down, listening out for anything below. "Oh I'm just frickin' loving it..." Sarah snapped before pulling herself back up and dusting down her bloody clothes. She could've sworn she saw something scuttling away down one of the two dark metro tunnels. Her eye darted around the dark station, looking for any signs of life other than whatever just crawled off down the tracks. "Your turn. Try to land on two feet," Dave said to Levi, indirectly teasing Sarah. Eventually she was gonna snap and just.. punch him, bash him with a rifle butt or something. He was actually [I]waiting[/I] for it!