[center]NPC Characters: The Ban Family[/center] [hider=Sumi Ban] Name: Sumi Ban Age: 21 Gender: Female [hider2=Appearance] [img=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/15/151326/2124233-airi.png] [/hider2] Class: Heir to the Raijinken Lv: 32 [hider2=Stats, Don't look here] STR: 40 VIT: 36 DEX: 50 INT: 30 WIS: 40 LUK: 10 [/hider2] HP: 1,250 MP: 600 Sumi Ban is a martial artist who utilizes the Raijinken, a unique style of martial arts that seem to focus on utilizing speed to create powerful destructive force. [/hider] [hider=Genji Ban] Name: Genji Ban Age: 19 Gender: Male [hider2=Appearance] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140208055050/the-gamer/images/7/7e/Sun-Il_snapping_a_zombie's_neck.png] [/hider2] Class: Heir to the Chikyū-shin no Ken Level: 29 HP: 1,500 MP: 400 [hider2=Stats, Don't look here] STR: 50 VIT: 46 DEX: 25 INT: 25 WIS: 30 LUK: 14 [/hider2] [/hider]