Cade sighed in defeat, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I offer to show you guys something interesting and all you can do is complain. You should take the example of Miss Anya and Sophia. I couldn't tell you if they were bored or annoyed or not because they keep it to themselves." Somewhere down the hall he could hear frantic footsteps. tilting his head sideways as a skinny man in a white lab coat came barreling down the hall. "You look as flustered as ever I see. Mind telling me what the rush is?" Cade raised an eyebrow while Dr. Blake rested a hand against the wall to catch his breath. "I've been trying to test Silvia's battle endurance but no one wants to spar her. I finally got somebody to say yes but they ran off while I was setting up the monitors." He looked around Cade at the group he was touring with an expression that read 'I know I'm missing something important, but I don't know what'. His attention was brought back when Cade cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck. "Don't you worry about a thing, I can handle this." Blake looked at him with a skeptical grimace. "I don't know, Cade... Remember the last time-" "Well this isn't last time now is it? That was a fluke and she owes me a rematch anyway. You might as well get your readings in at the same time." Blake considered it, glancing back at the tour group once more. "Yeah, but what about these guys? Who are they?" Cade laughed and slapped the doctor on the back, watching him stumble forward a few steps. "Our Guardians. Thought I might show them what it is that we're good for." He said this while looking straight back at Rebecca, as if to say 'you haven't seen anything yet'. Blake's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands together. "Alright then, if you insist. It's your funeral, not mine." Cade rolled his eyes and followed the man with an annoyed expression. "You know, for a scientist you sure do have a lot of bias." He growled, looking at Blake out of the corner of his eye. "You know, for an Angel you sure do have a lot of attitude." Blake countered, rounding the corner and beckoning for him to enter. "I might as well get your readings again too. The more data the better. Don't worry about these guys, I'll watch them." Cade raised an eyebrow as he started walking away. "That doesn't make me worry any less." The door slid shut behind him, separating him from the guardians outside. He shook his head and stared at Silvia while the wireless sensors were attached to him as well. "I don't understand why you continue to come back. I beat you every time." Silvia said flatly, as if everything she had said was a matter of fact. "It's not something you would understand, robot." Cade sniffed indignantly, gearing himself for the battle ahead. The girl shook her head, standing calmly across from him. "I also don't understand why you continue to taunt me when you know it will not work. I have no emotional-" "Yes, we know. You're a robot with no feelings. Like I said, you wouldn't understand." She sighed, a reflexive move that felt right but held no meaning to her. Blake looked through the window at the Angels while speaking to the Guardians. "I hope you brought popcorn, because this is going to be hilarious. He just never learns. I'm starting to wonder if just more than his chip is defective."