[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/cascioli-green-arrow_zps54df35d1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Queen Clinic, The Glades Star City, CA[/b] The clinic was as busy that night, as it often was on the weekend. A lot of drunks and junkies were there for some food or water, others were bleeding from muggings or bar fights in the rough side of the city. The Glades had improved since the Green Arrow had come to the city, but it was still largely a cesspool. Oliver had managed to take some of the highest level pushers off the streets, but he knew nothing significant would change until he was able to take down Count Vertigo. He was the head of the snake, and until that head was cut off, the drug trade in Star City would thrive. "How are we doing, doctor?" Oliver asked the man in charge of the clinic. Doctor Richards was brilliant, and had great empathy. He could be making more money somewhere else, but he graciously agreed to work for Oliver to help the people of this city. "Nothing we can't handle, Mister Queen," he smiled as he sent a bandaged man on his way. "Nothing unusual for a Friday night." "Yea," a voice called from another one of the other examination rooms, "nothing unusual about treating another drunk with a stab wound. You know how to show a girl a Friday night, Mister Queen." Doctor Felicity Smoake, straight out of med school. He was surprised when she came to work for him. She seemed to be a certified genius from all her references. She could be doing important work, but she was a bleeding heart who wanted to help save her city. Equipped with a sarcastic wit, she never seemed to let the deplorable conditions of the Glades get her down. She was drop dead gorgeous too. It was distracting to the archer, but he tried to keep that out of his mind. She was an employee. "I do my best, Doctor Smoake," he smiled. "Now, you seem to have everything in hand, I think I'll head home for the night." Oliver walked confidently out of the clinic and towards the private parking lot in the alley behind it. He wasn't headed home though. Once he was next to his audacious Lamborghini, he flipped a switch. After a momentary delay, the wall of the warehouse the car was parked next to slid open and engulfed the mogul and his ride. In the seemingly abandoned space lay the space he coordinated his crime fighting activities. Rows of screens monitoring police and fire activity over the city lined a wall, and his vast collection of weapons and armors were stored around the warehouse floor. Almost on cue, his phone rang. Seeing it was Detective Diggle, he answered, "Detective." "Glad to see you're answering your phone again," Diggle said in a half-whisper. "Well, I'm keeping solid food down, so I figure I can kick a few criminal's heads in," Oliver responded, sitting down in front of the screens. He couldn't deny that it felt good to be back here. When he started his little crusade he wasn't sure if it was just an ego trip or an adrenaline rush, but he thought it might not of been the right thing to do. But as his first year progressed, and the more people he helped, Oliver realized this city needed Green Arrow. He was no longer doing this to prove he could or to bridge his life on the island to his life at home. He was doing this for the people of Star City. That's what mattered. "What have I missed?" "You're not going to like it," Diggle sighed. "I'm a big boy, Dig," Oliver said, scanning the city's crime reports. "Lay it on me." "The Triad has come back. With a vengeance." Oliver's hand balled up into a fist, almost instinctively. The Triad were the ones he had fought on the island. They were one of the primary drug suppliers in the city, and he had thought he took care of them. "I put their leader behind bars. I routed their safehouses." The anger was palpable in his voice. Oliver had spent the better part of a year trying to get the Triad out of Star City, and now it seemed as if all his hard work was for naught. "I know," Diggle responded. "They were quiet. But last week we had a hit on them. Matches their MO. Chatter on the streets is there's a shipment coming in tonight. Dock 52." "Did you tell your colleagues?" "And worry about one of the dirty cops in my unit finding out I knew?" the detective laughed. "Not a chance." "Good," Oliver stood and grabbed his bow, "I don't need anyone in my way."