"A zone not having an artifact? That's impossible," Lin shook her head. "Every zone has an object that is important to their respective dreamer. Think of them as a binder keeping each person's identity intact, and then zones are subconsciously constructed around it. Since my monitors have shown me that you've been comatose for many years, I have no doubt that you've been struggling to find your artifact. There aren't too many negative emotions emanating from the Wonderful Horror, but it could either be that you live a satisfied life that wouldn't cause negative emotions, or your memories are suppressed from some kind of trauma. If the latter is true, it might actually be risky to look for your artifact." The one-eyed girl scratched her head and chuckled. "Sorry for getting all science-y on you there. It's your zone, so it's up to you. If you're having trouble looking for your artifact, why haven't you come to us for help yet? I'm a seasoned pro at this, and Hez has impeccable searching skills - she's like a walking dowsing rod." Lin glanced down at Hez, but then frowned. The silent girl looked more detached than usual, her grey eyes glassed over with vacant disinterest. It almost looked like her mind was somewhere else. Lin barked, "Hez! Have you been listening!?" Hez snapped out of her vapid delirium and dumbly stared at her partner. She then jumped down the museum's stairs and just continued looking around. It was like the conversation didn't register in her mind. "Geez... Anyway, Alice, do you want us to help you scour the Wonderful Horror? We might find clues that you've probably overlooked," Lin offered.