Alice thought about it for a moment, noticing hez;s reactions and.. vacant demeanor. "if you'd like, then your welcome to help. I still doubt that we'll find it... but, ah, i think Hez might need to stay here for now... i know that the horror is technically a safe zone and all, but its residents aren't exactly the happiest bunch." Alice glanced at Hez with a worried look. As long as Alice had been here in the dream, she'd noticed that whenever she saw Hez she seemed different. at first it was hard to tell, but eventually it seemed to be connected to purifying things. And now was different, but not just a little... "i don't want her to get hurt because of me. and she looks like she needs rest. as for why i haven't asked before... well im not the best at asking for help" she chuckled a moment, a sheepish grin on her face momentarily before regaining her seriousness.