[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-1484654_zpsfa280be2.png[/img] [/center] I raise a single brow incredulously as the iron man jests about nonexistent Greek Gods and attempts to engage me in banter. His babble is meaningless and I let it roll over me like water as I look around at the remains of the battered city. I know that I exorcised most of the cancer, but much of it might reappear if I do not finish the job. I have seen how disaster brings suffering and how the suffering allows the cancer to grow and the parasites to show in droves to feast. It will not happen here! I let a thread of my attention trickle back to the iron man as he finished talking. “You talk too much.” I say. “And you make no sense. I am bringing healing to the World. I stopped this storm and will now heal this city just as I healed this little one’s mother.” And as I speak the little girl’s mother starts to stir, her eyes flickering towards me with pure gratitude and adoration. I feel the warmth that healing always brings me and wish I could do more. “Thank you. Thank you for saving my mom.” I hear the voice of the child as she attempts to hug me. I allow it and overhead I feel the vibrations in the air as news helicopters capture this iconic moment on camera. Now it is time. “Stand back little one.” I say kindly before I begin to make the changes I that the World demands. Crimson wings flare out around my body as I begin to call to the World. I hold a picture in my mind of what will be as I feel the World answer. Then I tell it to change again. The World convulses around me, but I hold it steady so that the man in his suit and the mother and child are not harmed. The nodes of cancer were destroyed and I do not need to obliterate pieces of the city for the storm has already done so. The wave of change washes over the city, repairing all the damage of the storm and the decay that the cancer and parasites had brought. I do make some changes, where the storm destroyed slums I raise up fine homes and parks but I mostly restore for the cancer and parasites would turn the people of the World against me if they could. Last a ray of red light descends from the skies to engulf my body and I veil myself again as I rise. But I leave behind a record of my presence. A golden statue on a pedestal rests where I had stood, a statue of my angelic form embracing a mother and child to protect them. I speak one last time and the words linger for a moment before I am gone again. “I am Mercy and I will not rest until this world is healed.”