As Daemon kicked the package out of the way, Matt couldn't help but grow even [i]more[/i] interested. His gaze was taken away from the box when Daemon slung his arm over Matt's shoulder, pulling him over to the couch. He turned on the T.V. and started flipping through channels, Matt's gaze glued to them. "You really have it out for that guy..." Matt trailed and smirked, thinking about how much they bicker at training. It exhausted him to think about the fact that they knew each other even longer than Matt saw them interact. [b]"Hadrian should be here in a couple hours or so, this thing's around an hour and a half..."[/b] Daemon stopped the channels at what looked to be a stand up comedy. He never saw this show before, but then again, there were a lot of things on T.V. he never had the chance to see. Within fifteen minutes, Matt was warming up to the show and the both of them were laughing every minute. When Matt really got worked up, he had a habit of slapping his knee or grabbing another person. It just so happened that every once in awhile, subconsciously going unnoticed, he grabbed Daemon's shoulder or sleeve for a short moment. By the time it was over, he was fixated on the show again and didn't give it a second thought. Before they knew it, the program was over and they slowly grew silent. Matt let out one last laughing breath. "I've actually never sat down and watched stand up comedy." He trailed off, in the back of his mind wondering what time it was, and he was starting to get a little hungry. [i]"I hope Hadrian is going to bring something other than booze."[/i] He thought, crossing his fingers for pizza.