Khaylan, frowned, considering his options. He had intended to do just that, though preferably with about six other knights at his back. He muttered under his breath about witches and their odd customs and stranger magic. Still, he couldn't just allow her to run amok and he doubted that offering to provide an armed escort would sound any better to her ears. They may have hated each other, but that doesn't mean he hadn't learned a thing or two about his new... 'partner'? Perhaps subtlety would prevail where brute force could not. 'You cannot deny that would, perhaps, be the smarter move. After all, I'm not completely unaware of the troubles on the streets these days," he shifted slightly, his old life flashing before his eyes, "but I get the feeling you would likely... disapprove of that course of action, so I would only be placing us both at greater risk for little reason." "And seeing as how if either of us slept with another person, we would be tied like this for the rest of our lives, my plans for this evening are now shot," he chuckled slightly, a bit of his previous chauvinism rising, "would you turn me down if I offered to buy lunch? Presuming you have no other plans today." He shifted again, leaning his weight from side to side andwaiting for her response. Perhaps not his most subtle maneuver to this day, but it was the only way he believed he could get her to at least grudgingly remain close by until he could figure out what to do.