Dr. Kur stood defiantly before the towering Lord General, her voice, while argumentative was also very composed. One did not yell at the commanding officer of the entire Angar-Ryllan military and expect to live long. [i]“Lord General…please we have just begun our research into spatial anomalies. I…I cannot assure you of success. Perhaps if you allow me some time with this LeeRoy, I can employ some of his technology to…”[/i] [b]“Dr. Kur…”[/b]Seeing Lord Cardinal Khazna enter the command deck, he held up a hand to indicate he wanted the Lord Cardinal to step forward. [b]“I assume you have heard of Lord Cardinal Khazna? Khazna this is Imperial Overseer of technology, Dr. Salandra Kur. Before this can continue I must lay the frame work for you. 360 hours ago we engaged Talisan fleet forces over the planet of Darashal. A little over 2 hours ago we encountered this…”[/b] Dou’far Klaast punched up a picture of the man known as LeeRoy in the science lab, he seemed to ne motioning for the guards outside. [b]“This man claims to be immortal. He also appeared just as our attack forces encountered the Talisan, and his appearance here coincides with a sudden spatial anomaly off of a series of planets collectively known as the Demon Webs.”[/b] Turning to face both of them, Lord General Klaast lowered his head and growled, [b]“This man is currently considered a Class A threat. His appearance is not a coincidence. I am not sure the extent of his powers nor what his purpose here among the Home Fleet is.”[/b] Nodding towards Garal Vash, who stepped forward, his eyes flicked towards Khazna in acknowledgement, [b]“Lord Cardinal, your fleet has been tasked with entering the Demon Web system and searching for the anomaly. We believe that it leads to the Nexus itself.”[/b] Garal Vash took over, his voice low as he locked eyes with the Lord Cardinal, [b]“You are to consider this a black operation. You have tacit authority to do what you have to do, and punish those who oppose you in any manner you see fit. Nevertheless, the anomaly must be located before its signature vanishes.”[/b] Lord General Klaast leaned forward, [b]“Dr. Kur will be on stand-by, she and her team will be ready to utilize a fast vector transport to be in orbit around the planet in 6 hours.”[/b] Straightening the Lord General faced the Lord Cardinal, [b]“I cannot tell you the importance of this mission. You are have free reign to recover or find this anomaly. Do not fail Lord Cardinal.”[/b] Then he turned to watch something happening in the lab where LeeRoy Brightmane was doing something. [center]***[/center] [i]"Uh, hello? Yeah, you, guard. C'mere, I need to ask a couple questions. If I am really to help the Angar-Ryllan Empire I need a bit of information. I'm here to improve your technology guys, that's what I do. So where's the stockpile of weapons and armor, I could improve their performance at least seventy five percent. At least."[/i] The guard looked at the man, the metal face guard and dark visor hid any expression the guard may have had, there was a long moment before he spoke. [i]“Sir, you do not have clearance to enter any area without scientific personal.”[/i] The guard turned back towards the corridor. Lord General narrowed his eyes, [b]“I do not trust this man. Lord Cardinal what does his action tell you? I am always interested in the opinion of my Cardinals, especially those with a certain eye towards fate reading.”[/b]