BGM: [url=]He's Such a Coward that He Can Laugh[/url] "Ne, what's all the commotion abo- Oh, well who do we have [i]here[/i]?" A cheery-sounding male's voice piped up from almost directly behind Kazuto and Akihara immediately after the sound of the lobby door opening and closing. It was quite evident that the owner of the voice was either a late arrival or had stepped out of the lobby for whatever reason, perhaps he was out to take a leak or something along those lines. Though based solely on the speaker's appearance, it was probably the former. He was only a few inches taller than Kazuto, but shorter than Akihara, and had a head of blue in stark contrast to Kazuto's red. The young man had on a black gakuran with an armband that apparently declared him to be the 'Archery Club Vice-Captain' of the school he went to. Which meant he was more or less the two new members' ages. "You must be new, am I right? Naoto Aozaki, at your service! Feel free to come to me for advice any time~" the young man known as Naoto chirped cheerfully, despite it being painfully obvious to any established Order in Black member that doing what he just told the two rookies to do was an absolutely horrible idea. Though despite projecting the image of being just a nice guy to the young men who hadn't been properly advised, there was just this air of... Eeriness? Unease? about him. Not to mention that smile of his. There was nothing [i]wrong[/i] with it, but it just didn't reach the eyes like a natural smile would. This resulted in an effect where the body seemed happy, but the glint in the eyes lacked any sort of pleasure. It was more like a predator analyzing his prey, if any comparisons were to be made.