[i] Most definitely! I'm glad I save all my stuff, I can post a little about my rp below and if you have any questions after that; just ask :D But before I show you all that, GM'ing is a bit scary and complicated at first; but it's just being the leader and main brain of a role play. Usually when I am GM, I try to create a world where I dont have to push people too much- but when in a rut, I move the group a long the road a bit to help them out. I've ran a few roleplays; some successful, some not very. (: But, i'm still learning, and will probably be hosting one again here real soon. [/i] ---- [i]So my roleplay was called[/i] [IMG]http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/lgoumrkn9s0nt1ba6zyl.png[/IMG] [hider= Summary]Lhivoria. A kingdom of adventure, betrayal, greed, and power. If you were not born a child of Lhivoria, you would not go out of your way to travel there. That is unless..you've came for the Labyrinth. What is so special about this Labyrinth you may ask? Over 500 years ago the kingdom's oracle that lives on top of the mountain of Basile took the first trip down the mountain since he went up to the summit over thousands of years ago. His message was spread across the nation: "In the midst of the Labyrinth there lays a stone. Upon my death, this stone will become enchanted with my powers. Powers that can bring you happiness, love, wealth, anything you truly desire." As the oracle spoke this to the king; his last visitor on the path- the king became quite invested in this idea. Taking his sword, he ran it right through the oracle, spilling his organs onto the floor of the castle. "That stone will be mine! Do not come home until you have it in your grasps!" the king declared, sending his many of noble knights into the depths of the maze. None returned to the king, as they either never made it out of the depths and dangers, or they gave up after years of struggle. The king of Lhivoria became quite obsessed with the idea of the stone, that one day he left his pregnant wife and went to go find the stone himself. With the king's determination he finally found the stone, but died upon reaching it. As fate declared; the legend of the stone disintegrated with the king's body. It was now only a tale people told their offspring. As the rise of the new king; the great-grandchild of the king, he became quite interested in the old story and sought out to find out if the story was anything but that. [/hider] [hider= Intro]Hi everyone! I'm MissCapnCrunch, or you may refer to me as Tori if that is too much to type! This is a medieval fantasy- but what makes it different from most medieval fantasies and most roleplays you've participated on this site? Well- take a look at the title again for a moment; [VC] What could that ever mean Tori!? Well- my friend, it means that this is a [[B]Voice Chat][/B] active role play. Which means you will be speaking along with your writing. Whether you want to narrate your whole piece or just say your speaking parts- I'm leaving that up to you. Do not feel obligated to learn a new trade of voice acting to participate in this roleplay. As long as you have a microphone, and a want to have some fun- then you are more than welcome to join in on this. [/hider] [hider=Equipment]The hosting program of choice we picked was [url]http://vocaroo.com/[/url] A program that we have suggested, and that I personally plan to use is [url]http://audacity.sourceforge.net/[/url] This is how you can edit your recordings and even if your voice if you'd like. Need Help? Don't hesitate to ask me or any of your fellow role players. We are here for that![/hider] [i]Wow! Sorry for such a long post, ahaha. But yeah (: [/i]