She debated how much she was going to trust him. For whatever, he had brought her to the safety of his apartment rather than a hospital. She was unsure whether or not to be thankful for that. There was also the debate that he was now well aware of her secret - or at least had an idea of what it was. The fact that she was unable to give more details of her ability seemed to stump him for a moment. At first she ignored his question, deciding to avoid his gaze as she glanced down at her hands. But the memories slowly seemed to draw themselves to the surface - leaving hr with a feeling that the world she knew was going to crumble underneath her. "Why do you ask?" she wondered as she lifted her gaze to him. She was unsure what a normal person would have thought. Would they try to dismiss her wounds as being attacked by a gang, or would they say it was some wild stray dog? Either case, his question of what exactly was the cause seemed abnormal. "It... they weren't human, that's for sure," Kris answered after some thought. "There were two of them - demons or I even want to claim they were werewolves. But perhaps that's just the shock of the experience."