As the group moved, so did Thomas. He listened in to the conversations and kept quiet. He had no real reason to chime in, anyhow. He was just glad to be distracted. As the Angels entered the combat room, he watched intently. But something felt off. Something to do with his power. He had never felt this before and he wondered if.... "Could it be the Angels?" Thomas accidentally said aloud. He facepalmed at his action, but as he did, he pried to detect fear within the Angels. He felt nothing but a wall. He turned to the scientist. "Dr... Blake, isn't it? I am not able to feel the minds of the Angels properly, even with a power that should include even the most robotically advanced human. Is there some sort of protection, or are they just not human or something?" Thomas was definitely worried. If the Angels had a technology that could protect them from his power, then the black market could get ahold of it and all he would be left with is his own mind. Not even a sense of direction with his life.