[center][img=http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Mike1204/Supergirl_01_zpsf3e44e2e.png] [/center] The comments shot at Kara-El from the super-powered criminals didn’t faze her, of which she made blatantly clear as she kept an un-faltered expression as her eyes shot back at them. The persona that the media expected from Superman and his relatively new sidekick was one that was an unwavering representation of the gold standard of morality—this gold standard was something that was still very alien to Kara, but her cousin who echoed as more of a guardian and father figure tried to make her understand that as best as he could. Kara’s mind shot to the matter at hand as Superman warned her of the man that radiated crimson but before she could dread or even act about the red-veined criminal he was quickly and efficiently cast down by a lugged cactus from The Atom, this of course caused him great pain but it was his friend that emitted green that Kara had to be focused on and the young kryptonian knew that. Understanding that he had to be dealt with immediately Kara’s mind shot to the thick vault door that could easily contain him until specialized police could detain him which to her was a sound plan, but the fact that they dealt Superman a tough hand earlier caused a sense of intimidating tension in the young girl’s mind. In a blur Kara sped to the metal and retrieved the door as she pinned the green-veined one to the floor with the metal before carefully rolling it around him. This of course, did make Kara rather drained with just being so close to a sensational energy that made her to a point rather nauseated. Backing off, she took some distance and moved her glance back to Superman. Was that it? [b]“I think that’s all of them.”[/b] Kara stated with a smirk, keeping her composure around the hostages.