"[i]Nancy est vraiment très agréable à l'automne,[/i]" Eulalie responded to Red's origin. It was on the route from La Havre to Munich, where she had a cousin or two. She listened as the girl continued, feeling Red was perhaps going beyond her place presuming to press social preferences upon her. She would like or hate Ellie or Snow entirely based on how they treated her, not how others talked of them. And so far, she had been dragged from her home, made quite wet, neither fed nor offered rest or a hot bath as of yet, deprived of her maid, made to live in a brothel, and now forced to travel at night when she could be sleeping... the list could go on. No, she would make her own decisions on their character, damn how Red felt about them. That was her personal problem. She did listen as Ellie spoke to them about the witches, and she took a sip of the cider thoughtfully. It [i]was[/i] good. "If these are just young girls pretending to be [i]sorcières[/i], I can make them trust me," she said surely. "Likely they have no real power in conducting those little rites, other than the damning of their souls, but if I can make the earth sprout vines about their ankles I can win them over and make them cease these pathetic little attempts. I doubt they know real power if it slapped them." She had always had an easy time making impressionable, or weaker willed, girls follow her. She was a natural alpha, and used to getting her way. She could make them cease, all right, even if she had to hang them by those ankles from a tree with her magic until their fathers came to find them.