Noki heard of the plan, and she scowled at the mention of the ship crew's fate. So, there were no survivors... It was a shame. She had known a couple of the crew mates from the Blaze Trail, and could only hope that their deaths had been quick. Regaining her composure, she spoke to Maarcuu. "As agreed, the ship is yours. You have all saved my life twice now, and a friend of mine is a friend of the Merchant Fleet. That is, if you can actually win it. This race will most likely, like all things on this wretched planet, be corrupt and dangerous. You will need to practice, and we will need mechanics in the crew. Perhaps the many voiced creature you know can help in that department." Noki turned and began to walk out the door. "I need to get some air. Safe travels, to you all." Silently, she left, and proceeded to make her way somewhere to think for a while.