Khaylan looked at the ground, uncomfortable once more. "A fair assessment," he said, though whether it was in response to the subtle knife games of court life, or his own capacity for lying was unclear even to him. His gaze drifted back towards Miranda, and he lifted a hand to his chin, tilting his head to one side in thought. "You may be on to something actually," Khaylan began, "it'll take more than just a dress to convince them, but it has some merit..." [I]And so long as she doesn't speak very much... or become offended at the subtle jibes and barbs... or display truly poor manners... this could work,[/I], Khaylan thought to himself. He was already forming the lies and excuses he would need to make for the rest of the month, until this strange spell was over. After all, it was little different from the farce he'd been playing out for years. Of course, if they were discovered, they'd likely both be tried, and Miranda would be executed... which in turn would kill him.... "The best games are played when its all out on the table," he said, nodding at Miranda, "think you can pull it off?"