WIP Name: Bhazur "The Grey" Ergoth Age: 22 Appearance: For an orc, Bhazur stands at an unimposing 5' 9", just under six feet, much to his dismay. His relatively lean frame beguiles the slabs of powerful muscle underneath his skin. Rather than a dark greenish tone common of his kind, his flesh is a flint-grey color, earning him the nickname his comrades have taken to calling him by. His facial structure is very square, with defined brows and cheekbones. Bhazur's eyes shimmer with a bright orange, the color of goldfish scales. He keeps his head shaven close to his scalp, while his facial hair can be described as "manchu" style. His ears are pierced for ornamentation; a pair of vicious canine teeth adorn his cartilage, taken from some predatory mammal. Skills/Abilities: - [b]Polearms[/b]: Bhazur's weapon of choice is the pollaxe, and he is well-versed in the use of similar two-handed weaponry, be it a halberd, bill, voulge or glaive. As such, he is a skilled grappler and is adept at exploiting his weapon's armor-breaking capability. - [b]Voice of Reason[/b]: Somehow escaping the rigid "all or nothing" mentality so common among orcs, Bhazur knows when a situation is disadvantageous or not and is vocal of his concerns, even if no one may share them. This can also be applied to social encounters. - [b]Lead by Example[/b]: The younger pikes that Bhazur frequently interacts with look to him as a paragon of sorts, and he strives to conduct himself in a way that teaches them responsibility, sacrifice and honor, among other not-so-orcish things. - [b]Bon Appétit[/b]: Perhaps what many within the company know Bhazur for is his cooking. Once in a while, he'll sneak into the mess tents and work with the cooks to produce meals that are reknowned for "that touch of Grey" flavor. Many have tried - and failed - to replicate his style, which he keeps a close secret. - [b]"Hey! Listen!"[/b]: Bhazur the Grey's sense of hearing is another of his trademarks, rumored to be able to pick up whispers at the other edge of camp. Bhazur's acute sense has helped his fellows in a bind on a few occasions, ever-vigilant for the sound of charging hooves, war drums or the clanking armor of an army on the march to assail the company. It also helps identify the favored topics of discussion around camp; gossip, rivalries and insults, in particular. Equipment: - Bhazur owns a full set of plate armor, closely resembling medieval plate armor of the 14th century. The helmet is of the [url=http://www.baltai.lt/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Pig-faced_bascinet.jpg]"pig-faced"[/url] bascinet style. In true orcish fashion, it sprouts a single horn from the forehead, curving upwards to the sky (perhaps to make him seem taller). The armor is lacquered in a black finish, giving it a rather sinister appearance. Over the chestplate he wears a red tabard with the insignia of the company. If asked how he came to possess such a specimen, he'll shrug and say "The knightly ones earn good ransom." - As a primary weapon, he carries a [url=http://pics.myarmoury.com/sflynt_polearms001_s.jpg]polleaxe[/url] (as seen at the top of the picture), a weapon similar to a halberd. His features a hammer as the main face of the weapon. The reverse side mounts an axe for piercing armor, and the ensemble is topped with a spike. A round handguard is affixed to the haft, should a weapon slide down its side. - A hand-and-a-half sword and dagger hang from his belt as sidearms, should he need to use them. -At his belt, Bhazur keeps pouches for a multitude of collectibles. Herbs and spices used in his cooking, coinage, trophies taken from fallen enemies, and other baubles can be found in his possession. Personality: History: (You can invent a tribe, name regions and countries and cities and so forth to pull this one off, but most important is how they came to Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and where they served in the unit.) Relationships and Acquaintances: Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.