[b][i] “I know... We have a couple days of training, interviews, and then you know what comes... Just make sure you stay by my side.”[/i][/b] These words struck Nixie like a bullet. She’d realized, of course, that the time was quickly drawing to a close--that the arena was very near--far too close for comfort. And yet, she’d never quantified it like Huxley had just done. Training today and tomorrow--and then tomorrow was also the private sessions...interviews came next and then… [i]And then we start killing eachother like savages,[/i] she thought to herself. She blinked, staring down at her plate of food and suddenly losing her appetite. Her mouth was dry, her heart was fluttering. She felt...almost a panicked sensation, as if time were slipping away from her, so fast she couldn’t reign it in. She felt a frantic sense of urgency all of a sudden, and she turned wide, glistening green eyes to Harrow, her lips a thin grim line etched across her pale face. She didn’t speak, not yet, she just gazed at him, fear in her eyes. In that look she gave, all confidence had melted away. In that look, she wasn’t the girl determined to protect Huxley--she was a vulnerable 12 year old girl. A girl, who aside from being troubled by her past at such a young age, was not thrust into a fight for her very life. In that one gaze, Nixie revealed a glimpse of who she was beneath the surface--a little girl in turmoil. Then she steeled herself. Determination filled her eyes once more as she took in a deep breath to calm her racing heart. Nodding, mostly to herself, she leaned forward and whispered to Huxley: [b] “I’ll stay close...but not just for my own protection. I’ll protect [i]you[/i] too.”[/i] Then she lowered her gaze, staring at her hands instead of into Huxley’s eyes. [b] “I know I’m not as strong as you are...mentally or physically…”[/b] her voice trailed off and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she spoke to her best and only friend. [b] “...but...I’ll do what I can. I’m...I’m sorry if sometimes it seems like…”[/b]. Nixie sighed, looking extremely flustered. She ran her hand through her fiery hair, shaking her head softly and sighing a second time, before crossing her arms over her chest. Then she began again. [b] “Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that you aren’t alone in a rough situation...even when one of the most important people in your lives is sitting right next to you...and I know I haven’t really been there for you as much as you have for me...and I’m sorry. You mean the world to me, Huxley. And...and I’m going to protect you too. I promise.”[/b] By the time she finished speaking, Nixie’s eyes were glistening with unshed tears, and she was trembling slightly, her hands clenched into fists. She was staring blankly at the platter of food before her now, a determined look on her young face. She wanted to be able to protect Huxley, as he was protecting her. And she would, damnit. Then, her emotions getting the better of her, she spoke, words tumbling out, half formed thoughts not quite coherent, almost as if she were speaking to herself more than him. [b] “There’s so much to say, and so little time to say it, you know? Time has a way of sneaking up on you. Huxley, you’re so much more than an ally, and even more than a friend….I…”[/b] Nixie’s voice trailed off, and she shook her head. [b] “Nevermind,”[/b] she murmured softly. [b] “We’ll get through these next few days. Together.”[/b] *********** Amaranth stared at the camouflage station, knowing that it was about time to go to lunch, and not really caring. Michelle had spoken of feelings that she herself could relate to. In fact, she felt the exact same way. She thought about what she had done during the parade, and immediately felt the cold sting of guilt. It hit her like a slap to the face. [i]You hurt him, your district partner. You hurt his chances of winning the games, made him look like a fool. Made him the laughing stock of the games the very first day. You’ve already fallen victim to the very thing Michelle has said she herself wants to avoid. You are already a murderer, because that boy will probably die. Because of you, Amaranth. Way to go.[/i] She closed her eyes, sucking in a breath of air, her thoughts and actions haunting her. [b] “I don’t want to be a murderer either,”[/b] She said with resolve, standing to her feet and extending a hand to Michelle. [b] “In fact, I don’t plan on killing anyone if I can help it. We could make a statement, you and I, by helping our fellow tributes. Helping them with their training when we can. Giving them advice in areas we are knowledgeable in. Maybe we’ll die, but we’ll retain some of our honor...and after the parade, I have a lot of….making up to do.”[/b] She sighed again, shaking her head. [b] “Truth is, I’m probably already a murderer now, after what I did. But maybe we can help other tributes stand a chance in these games.”[/b] Amaranth gazed at Michelle for a few seconds, hand outstretched. [b] “It’s lunch...let’s get a bite to eat, then finish at the station. Camouflage…a very useful skill to learn; it might keep us alive for a while.” [/b] She smiled slightly--a pale ghost of a smile that did not quite reach her eyes. ************ Anastasia turned to Harrow at his voice, a somber expression across her face. [b] “I’m fine.”[/b] she said in response to his question, turning away and gazing at the far wall. How could she tell him of the sudden pang of jealousy she’d felt towards Amber? Even she knew the feelings weren’t exactly reasonable, yet they were there. Harrow watched Ana, frowning. He could tell something was bothering her. She wasn’t quite her usual self. Taking a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching, he took her hand in his for a moment, standing right next to her, almost shoulder to shoulder. [b] “I’m fine is usually code for ‘my world is falling apart and I don’t know how to say it.’”[/b] Harrow spoke softly, his voice low lest other tributes overhear. [b] “You can talk to me, you know.”[/b] Ana turned to look into his eyes. A very slight, very soft smile crossed her lips. Her horrific dreams last night, she thought, were taking their toll on her. Wearing her down mentally. Probably why she felt the way she did when she saw Harrow spending that time talking to Amber earlier. [b] “I know, Harrow. You’re the one person here I know I can trust with my life,”[/b] she whispered softly. And she did know this. She gently squeezed his hand, before letting go, presumably before anyone could notice--she also knew how vital it was to keep their…relations, a secret. it would do no good for the other tributes to get wind of just how close she and Harrow were...or surely they’d be the first to be targeted. [b] “Come on, Ana,”[/b] Harrow spoke, motioning towards the cafeteria. [b] “We need to eat, to keep up our strength. Besides, they might kick our asses out of the training area if we tried to work through lunch anyway.”[/b] Anastasia nodded, and trailed slightly behind Harrow as he led them to the cafeteria; last night’s nightmares once more coming to her mind. She shuddered as she watched Harrow in front of her. She didn’t want anything to happen to him...but the dreams. They were so real, so vivid...were they confirmation that he was destined to die here? And would she be alive to see his demise if it happened? A chill snaked down her spine, and she involuntarily shuddered as she stepped through the doors and into the cafeteria, taking a seat next to Harrow.